Bus stop man in miracle crash escape (Evening Times)
(A PEDESTRIAN had a lucky escape today when he suffered only minor injuries after a rapid response ambulance ploughed into a bus stop. The vehicle was on its way to an emergency call in Paisley when it was struck by a car. It sent the rapid response unit vehicle careering into a bus stop, where one person was standing.)
This bus driver makes people's day (Montreal Gazette)
(I would like to express my admiration for a certain exceptional human being who happens to be a Société de transport de Montréal bus driver on a route I frequent. I have often run into him on my way home from a long day of work, at the Cadillac métro-station stop for the 32 bus - direction north - at 9: 47 p.m. I came across him again on the same route heading south, at the 32 Paimpol stop between the Metropolitan and Jean Talon on Lacordaire, on Dec. 8 at 10: 01 p.m.)
The Grinch drives a bus (KMOV)
(A Connecticut school bus driver will be on Santa's naughty list -- at least according to one dad. Louis Seeley says the driver of his third-grade daughter's school bus told her Santa isn't real. He says the driver also said Jesus Christ wasn't born on Christmas. A local paper (The Hour) reports Seeley's complaint is being investigated by Norwalk school officials. A spokeswoman for the school bus contractor says the student may have misunderstood the conversation. She says the driver was talking to other students about the nature of gift-giving during the holidays.)

(Confession time: Courage My Love is one of my new favourite bands! I’ll admit, I caught on to them late compared to some of their more hardcore fans, but after listening to their album For Now and getting a chance to interview them for #trending, I was hooked! The three band members are super fun and super talented, but above all, they’re super genuine. They’re not trying to be something they’re not. Instead, they write the songs they want to write and make the music they want to make. And that’s helped them stand out from all the other bands out there.)
Jennifer Aniston tops 'Hottest Woman of All Time' list (USA Today)
(She has been called sexy before, but now Jennifer Aniston has a new title. Men's Health is one-upping all those other lists by dubbing Aniston "The Sexiest Woman Ever To Walk Planet Earth in the History of the Universe Since the Dawn of Man." Just kidding, the mag has crowned her The No. 1 Hottest Woman Of All Time.)
Man prints fake obit of mom to get time off (CBS)
(Authorities say a U.S. man published a fake obituary for his living mother in a ploy to get paid bereavement time off from work. Relatives called The Jeffersonian Democrat newspaper in Pennsylvania after the obit appeared to say the woman was actually alive and well. The woman herself then visited the paper.)
Jewel of a gift lands in Kansas City area Salvation Army kettle (Reuters)
(Tossing a stone into a Salvation Army kettle at Christmas wouldn't be a nice thing to do. Unless it's a diamond, of course. Someone recently put a 3/4-carat diamond in a kettle outside a Walmart in Shawnee, Kansas, a suburb of Kansas City. It was appraised Thursday at $2,000. A Salvation Army employee found the loose diamond wrapped in paper, said Major Michele Heaver, a spokeswoman for the group.)
Fishermen Lost at Sea Solve 50-Year-Old Mystery (My Fox NY)
(Police in the US are on the hunt for a pair of children who robbed classmates for sweets and crisps... appropriately armed with a toy gun. Cops in Michigan say the duo -- aged eight and 10 -- held up victims as they walked home from school. In total they targeted five victims and are said to have pointed the fake gun at them before demanding they hand over the treats.)
Kids used toy gun to steal sweets and crisps (News Lite)
(Police in the US are on the hunt for a pair of children who robbed classmates for sweets and crisps... appropriately armed with a toy gun. Cops in Michigan say the duo -- aged eight and 10 -- held up victims as they walked home from school. In total they targeted five victims and are said to have pointed the fake gun at them before demanding they hand over the treats.)
Taxi driver takes dog from Madrid to London (News Lite)
(Taxi drivers love having a good story to tell, and John Jupp has got a corker -- the day he had to drive a dog from Madrid to London. The cabbie says he was recently approached by a regular client and asked whether he would allow a dog in his car. When he said yes, she asked him how much it would be to drive from London to Madrid in Spain and back again with her pet pooch.)
Janitor In German Library, Finds Historic Coins Possibly Worth Millions (Huffington Post)
(Library janitor or Indiana Jones?Tanja Höls, a custodian at the Passau state library in Germany, stumbled upon a box full of coins while on the job last week. Turns out, those coins are thousands of years old and could be worth millions. “The box itself was fairly unspectacular, it looked like a big jewlery box, with lots of little drawers inside,” she told The Local.)
Uncle Sam to MC Hammer Pay Me My $700,000 in Taxes!(TMZ)
(The U.S. government isn't letting MC Hammer off the hook for the $779,585 it claims the rapper owes in back taxes -- and has now filed a lawsuit against the rapper and his wife ... to recoup its losses. According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, the back taxes are from Hammer's most financially troubled years -- 1996 and 1997 -- and Uncle Sam wants the money back stat, demanding any concert earnings Hammer makes be automatically redirected into the government's pocket.)
Mayor Of San Juan, Baffles Public With Astoundingly Strange Christmas Photo (Huffington Post)
(Nothing says Christmas quite like a stuffed leopard murdering a fear-stricken antelope. Err... wait, how did we miss that part of the Bible? Mayor Jorge Santini of San Juan landed himself a spot in the famed Awkward Family Photo blog with his 2011 Christmas picture which depicts his family huddling around a taxidermied killing scene. As a leopard sinks its teeth into a poor creature’s throat, a little girl strikes a very sassy pose.)

The Six Million Dollar Man: Kevin Smith Keeps Steve Austin Alive (TV Series Finale)
(You may recall that, back in the 1990s, there was talk of Kevin Smith making a movie out of The Six Million Dollar Man? Well, that didn’t get a go-ahead but you can still see what he had in mind. Dynamite Entertainment is currently publishing a series of comic books, The Bionic Man, based on Smith’s movie script. The medium makes perfect sense as Smith once noted, “True story: when I turned in a script for The Six Million Dollar Man back in ’98, there was an exec who dismissed it as being more like a comic book than a movie.”)
Jason Mewes isn't the motormouth he plays in the movies, but he's got stories to tell (Winnipeg Free Press)
(JAY and Silent Bob are hitting the road again with their podcast-inspired comedy tour, but for Jason Mewes, the Canadian leg of their travelling roadshow also feels a bit like a homecoming. Mewes, a longtime friend and onscreen sidekick to indie filmmaker Kevin Smith in such big-screen features as Clerks, Mallrats and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, developed a definite affection for Winnipeg while shooting the first two seasons of the Gemini Award-winning series Todd & the Book of Pure Evil.)

17-Year-Old Develops “Revolutionary” Cancer Treatment, Proves Not All Teens Are Stupid (CBS)
(Teens may be too dumb to self-administer Plan B (at least according to Kathleen Sebelius) but they sure can do other amazing stuff–like developing nanoparticles that kill cancer. That’s what Angela Zhang, who was awarded the individual first place prize ($100,000) at the Siemens Competition in Math, Science & Technology for her development. What, that’s not what you were doing at 17? Zhang, who is a high school senior from Cupertino, California, presented her project, entitled “Design of Image-guided, Photo-thermal Controlled Drug Releasing Multifunctional Nanosystem for the Treatment of Cancer Stem Cells” this weekend in Washington DC. She was given the award on Monday.)
Un-paralyzed by a crash? Doctors say it's unlikely (MSNBC)
(It sounds like a plot right out of a TV movie: A woman paralyzed since the age of 13 miraculously regains feeling in her legs and is able to walk again after being injured in a traffic accident. But that’s exactly what 27-year-old Monique van der Vorst says happened to her two years ago. Van der Vorst had turned to hand-cycling after losing feeling in her legs as a teen. She got so good that she won two silver medals in the Paralympics.)
Mercury UFO: NASA Spacecraft Photographs Strange Glowing Object (Huffington Post)
(A NASA spacecraft has captured the image of a huge "cloaked" alien ship near the planet Mercury. Unless, of course, it didn't. On Dec. 1, NASA's Heliospheric Imager-1 telescope photographed a huge coronal mass ejection (CME) streaming from the sun. But ever-observant, keen-eyed ET hunters claim that the short video also reveals a previously hidden or cloaked giant spaceship.)

Panic, Confusion in New Jersey in Wake of Emergency Alert Received via Mobile Phone (CNN)
(At 12:26p today, an alert was issued by the National Emergency Alert System and received on the mobile handsets of thousands of residents in New Jersey. Those affected, mostly in Monmouth and Ocean Counties, New Jersey, received the message via their mobile handsets and were instructed to "seek shelter immediately" due to the "extreme threat to life". This alert was received by consumers across all major cellular carriers in the Monmouth County area.)
“Oh My God, Trampoline” schoolboy reveals shock at internet hit (Deadline News)
(AS the storms that lashed Scotland on Thursday began to pick up strength, Conor Guichan was just another Scots teenager enjoying an unexpected afternoon off school. But by the time the winds had spent their fury, his video clip of a storm-tossed, 15ft diameter trampoline careering through a Fife street had become a YouTube sensation.)

“What Were the Memes of the Year? Depends on How You Define ‘Meme’ (Time)
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