15 years on nothing but chicken nuggets (The SUN UK)
(CHICKEN nugget fan Stacey Irvine has been warned they are KILLING her — because the 17-year-old has eaten practically nothing else since the age of TWO. Horrified doctors learned of the teenager's chronic 15-year addiction after she collapsed and was rushed to hospital struggling to breathe.)
Four-year-old U.S. boy pulls out marijuana at school (Reuters)
(A four-year-old U.S. boy who announced to his teacher at school snack time that he wanted to share pulled nine bags of marijuana out of his jacket pocket, police said on Wednesday. Police in Meriden, Connecticut were called to Hanover Elementary School Tuesday afternoon after the young special needs student displayed the drugs, authorities said.)
Woman born with no arms becomes official Olympics masseuse... giving soothing rubdowns with her FEET (Daily Mail)
(A woman born with no arms has won a role as an official masseuse for the British Paralympics team - she will be using her feet to give the world-class athletes a rub-down. Sue Kent - who was born with short limbs after her mother took morning sickness drug, Thalidomide, when she was pregnant - has been a trained massage therapist for three years. But she has always dreamed of being part of the Paralympics.)
Damage To Dummies Prompts Ride Rethink (Sky News)
(Thorpe Park ordered experts to redesign its £20m new rollercoaster - after dummies lost limbs during tests. A life-sized church housing The Swarm ride was remodelled following dry runs that saw legs smashed off at least two dummies. The theme park issued a statement revealing other dummies were scratched during the tests, prompting "drastic measures" ahead of the ride's launch on March 15.)
Chinese Cat-Boy Can See Perfectly in the Dark (Oddity Central)
(If you ever doubted real X-Men were among us, check out the neat super-power of Nong Youhui, a young Chinese boy who can see in total darkness. Riddick, the cool antihero played by Vin Diesel in Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick is one of my all-time favorite sci-fi movie characters, but I never dreamed of someday reading about somebody who could actually see in the dark. The first news about a little Chinese child with cat-like eyes who could see in the dark as well as normal people see in clear daylight, first broke out in 2009. Doctors who examined little Nong Youhui said he was born with a rare condition known as luekodermia, which leaves his eyes exposed to sunlight damage, but also allow him to see clearly in the dark.)
Damage To Dummies Prompts Ride Rethink (Sky News)
(Thorpe Park ordered experts to redesign its £20m new rollercoaster - after dummies lost limbs during tests. A life-sized church housing The Swarm ride was remodelled following dry runs that saw legs smashed off at least two dummies. The theme park issued a statement revealing other dummies were scratched during the tests, prompting "drastic measures" ahead of the ride's launch on March 15.)
'My body is a temple, and my temple needs redecorating': Joan Rivers undergoes ANOTHER cosmetic surgery operation on reality TV show (Daily Mail)
(She is not shy about speaking about her surgery and now Joan Rivers has shown fans what happens when she goes under the knife. In the first episode of the second series of her reality TV show Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best which aired in the US last, night the Fashion Police host underwent surgery to ‘tune-up’ on her neck. Joan,78, underwent the surgery despite concerns raised by her daughter and her family.)
Strip club launches 'Alibi' aftershave to recreate scent of the office (Metro UK)
(A range of perfumes and colognes launched by a strip club aims to recreate the scents of commonly-used excuses given by men who are trying to explain to their other halves where they have been all evening.)
Tampa Bay Lightning mascot ThunderBug performer fired (Tampa Bay News)
(In a case of viral video and cloak-and-dagger intrigue, ThunderBug has been fired. The final offense? Inappropriate use of Silly String. The Tampa Bay Lightning mascot sprayed a Boston Bruins fan at a Jan. 17 hockey game. The fan took offense and pushed ThunderBug down. Thousands saw it on YouTube. The team did not condone ThunderBug's actions.)
Sex, bomb, electrocution by cat all part of Granite City man's extortion plot, feds say (BnD)
(A convict with a conscience helped the feds unravel a murder-for-hire plot that involved a carjacking and electrocution by cat, according to federal court records. It also included the suspect's ex-stripper wife being used as bait. Brett L. Nash, 45, of 43 Shirlwin Drive in Granite City, was arraigned in federal court Tuesday on charges of interference of commerce by threats of violence. Charges unsealed Wednesday state he recruited an unidentified friend to "help in robbing an old man" who Nash intended to lure with his wife, carjack, hold hostage while the victim wrote checks and then murder.)
Man with two hearts survives double-sized attack (MSNBC)
(At first there didn’t seem to be anything unusual about the man who, in 2010, reported to a Verona, Italy emergency room. He was short of breath, sweating, and had low blood pressure – cardiovascular trouble, no doubt. E.R. doctors see similar symptoms all the time.But this man was very different indeed. He had two hearts.)

Kevin Smith discusses his new AMC reality series 'Comic Book Men' (LA Times)
(“Never in a million years did I imagine I’d have my friends on TV.” So said an animated Kevin Smith, draped in his signature blue and orange hockey jersey. The indie filmmaker has long featured characters inspired by his pals in movies such “Clerks” and “Mallrats.” Now he is getting the real versions on camera for his new AMC reality series, “Comic Book Men.” “They didn’t even want to be on TV,” Smith said. “They’re all worried about being the next Snooki or that they’ll be asked to appear on ‘Dancing With the Stars’ down the line.”)
Jason Mewes on podcasts and Kevin Smith and more in Friday's EXPOSED (LeHigh Valley Live)
(Most fans know actor Jason Mewes as the foul-mouthed, fast-talking, woman-chasing half of stoner duo Jay and Silent Bob. Now approaching 40, Mewes says he's older and wiser than his teenage and 20-something on-screen counterpart. "Back then I could get away with more, when I was younger," Mewes said in a recent phone interview with The Express-Times. "Now I sort of have to adapt to feeling people out and I've got to realize I'm older and I can't be doing the things I was doing when I was young.")
Jersey boys open up on screen (Bakersfield.com)
(Jay and Silent Bob are coming to Bakersfield. Movie director Kevin Smith and actor Jason Mewes, who portray the lovable Gen X misfits, will be appearing on the big screen for a special one night in-theater event, "Behind Kevin Smith," at Edwards Bakersfield 14 on Feb. 2. But before you go "Wolvie berserk style," be sure to read the following carefully to avoid getting your "snoochie boochies" in a bunch.)
Aging Clerks duo takes their weekly podcast live by Victoria Handysides (Canada East)
(Forget the days of slangin' dimebags in front of the Quick Stop-Jay and Silent Bob are gettin' old. It might be hard for Clerks-era movie buffs to swallow, but it's been a whopping 18 years since the duo made their first on-screen appearance in Smith's cult classic film about retail slackerdom.)
Kevin Smith Launches Indie Shingle Smodcast Pictures (Comicbook Sources)
(A year ago, Kevin Smith announced at Sundance that he wouldn’t seek traditional distribution for his horror film Red State, but instead use his podcast network Smodcast to hype the project as he and it traveled around the country for screenings and talks. Smith figured that if the film was made for his audience, why waste the money advertising when he already had their ear via podcasts and Twitter? The gamble seems to have paid off.)

Boy takes dad's car after missing the bus (News AU)
(A 10-YEAR-OLD French boy has been apprehended by police after taking his father's car and trying to drive it to school when he missed the bus. The boy, who brought along a nine-year-old friend who also missed the bus, managed to make it more than two kilometres in his father's Renault Megane before crashing into a roadside pylon overnight, police in the southeastern town of Valence said.)
Bus driver who killed nine was 'not insane but disgruntled' (Daily Mail)
(Pune bus driver Santosh Mane, who went berserk on Wednesday killing nine people and damaging dozens of vehicles, was not deranged but disgruntled with seniors. This is what the Pune police believe, though they are stillm awaiting the medical report about Mane's mental state. He was produced before a session court, which remanded him in police custody until February 3.)
Transpo investigates Ottawa woman’s claim she was held ‘hostage’ on bus (Ottawa Citizen)
(OC Transpo is investigating a 19-year-old woman’s complaint that she was held “hostage” on a bus early Thursday morning after asking the driver a simple question about the route. Vicky Murray said OC Transpo — and the driver in question — owes her an apology. “I shouldn’t have to feel that my security is threatened on an OC Transpo bus,” Murray said.)
Judge puts the brakes on bus company (CNN)
(A federal judge has ordered a Pennsylvania-based bus company to stop operations after an Albany, New York, TV station reported that the bus line had continued service in violation of a U.S. Department of Transportation order. The DOT's Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration on December 23 ordered Double Happyness Travel to shut down after an inspection found multiple violations, including vehicle maintenance and drug and alcohol testing rules.)
Video of Marion County school bus beating sparks outrage (Gainesville.com)
(As a school bus loaded with 67 students headed along a foggy, narrow southwest Marion County road at daybreak a few weeks ago, seven middle school students jumped a 13-year-old, the new girl on the bus that morning. Within two minutes, the Liberty Middle School child was beaten unconscious. Though the community was concerned by the Jan. 6 attack, it wasn't until Wednesday's release of a security video, which showed the attack, did people become outraged.)
Teen steers runaway school bus to safety after driver keels over in fatal heart attack blocking the brakes (Daily Mail)
(A driverless school bus traveling with over three dozen passengers was saved Tuesday when a 17-year-old took the wheel after its driver keeled over to a heart attack. Graceann Rumer, a senior at Calvary Christian Academy in Philadelphia had just started driving two weeks prior when she said she heard a loud noise and looked up to see her driver laying on the floor.)

Liam Neeson remains tight lipped over Batman role (Music Room)
(The actor gave nothing away when being asked if his recent trip to the set of the Dark Knight Rises was work or pleasure. Jenny Agutter could take a leaf out of Liam Neeson’s book after the actor managed to do what she couldn’t – keep a secret about an upcoming, highly anticipated film.)

The Weird Factor That Can Screw With Your IQ (Cosmopolitan)
(Know those mind-numbing meetings you’re forced to sit through at work? They could actually be screwing with your smarts. According to new research from Virginia Tech, working together in small groups can make some typically smart people less intelligent in the moment. To get the results, scientists gave university students IQ tests, then paired up those who had similar levels of higher-than-average intelligence, and had them solve problems as a team.)
Pork, the surprise remedy for a nosebleed (Guardian UK)
(A new medical study recommends a method called "nasal packing with strips of cured pork" as an effective way to treat uncontrollable nosebleeds. Ian Humphreys, Sonal Saraiya, Walter Belenky and James Dworkin, at Detroit Medical Centre in Michigan, treated a girl who had a rare hereditary disorder that brings prolongued bleeding.)
Fried food heart risk 'a myth' (Telegraph UK)
(It is a "myth" that regularly eating fried foods causes heart attacks, researchers have found, as long as you use olive oil or sunflower oil. They say there is mounting research that it is the type of oil used, and whether or not it has been used before, that really matters. The latest study, published in the British Medical Journal, found no association between the frequency of fried food consumption in Spain - where olive and sunflower oils are mostly used - and the incidence of serious heart disease.)
Crayola Katydid & Cowboy Frog Among 46 Newfound Jungle Species (Yahoo)
(A spiny armored catfish and a cowboy frog are among 46 species that may be new to science discovered in the South American country of Suriname, researchers now reveal. The species were discovered in a scientific expedition into southwest Suriname, which holds one of the world's last pristine tropical forests.)

Netflix regains 600,000 U.S. subscribers (USA Today)
(Netflix has regained most of the U.S. customers it had lost following an unpopular price increase, signaling that the video subscription service is healing from its self-inflected wounds.Fourth-quarter figures released Wednesday show Netflix ended December with 24.4 million subscribers in the U.S. That was up 600,000 from 23.8 million at the end of September. That means Netflix regained about three-quarters of the 800,000 it lost last summer after raising its U.S. prices by as much as 60%.)
FBI plans social network map alert mash-up application (BBC)
(The FBI is seeking to develop an early-warning system based on material "scraped" from social networks. It says the application should provide information about possible domestic and global threats superimposed onto maps "using mash-up technology". The bureau has asked contractors to suggest possible solutions including the estimated cost. Privacy campaigners say they are concerned that the move could have implications for free speech.)
Star Wars Uncut becomes unsurprising online hit (Newslite)
(A home-made recreation of Star Wars: A New Hope -- with fans each performing 15 second segments of the movie -- has become an unsurprisingly huge hit online. The movie, which was uploaded to YouTube on 18 January, has already been viewed more than 1.5 million times on the site. The Star Wars Uncut project began in 2009 when Casey Pugh asked thousands of internet users to contribute by recreating scenes however they wanted.)
SPhiladelphia Bar Shames Deadbeats on Facebook (Fox NY)
(A popular bar in Philadelphia is using Facebook to shame some women it says skipped out on paying their tab. Mac's Tavern posted several still images taken from a security camera of three women, described as "middle-aged," and asked them to send in the money they owe on the check from their meal Wednesday night. In a message on its Facebook page, the tavern said it would not blow up the photos if the women settle their tab.)

Butt-injection suspect in confrontation at "Cristina" TV taping
(Sun Sentinel)
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