(Put your hands in the air for James Peterson. While some people climb mountains, run long distances, save lives or launch companies that make billions of dollars, the 34-year-old Ohio man has made his mark for posterity by creating and setting a world record for fist-pumping.)

(He famously wears a hoodie, jeans and sneakers, and he was born the year Apple introduced the Macintosh. But Mark Zuckerberg is no boy-CEO. Facebook's chief executive turned 28 on Monday, setting in motion the social network's biggest week ever. The company is expected to start selling stock to the public for the first time and begin trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market on Friday. The IPO could value Facebook at nearly $100 billion, making it worth more than such iconic companies as Disney, Ford and Kraft Foods.)
Log out of Facebook before committing robbery (The Inquirer)(TWO MEN HAVE LEARNED THE LESSON about not signing out of personal accounts when using public computers. They have been arrested. Not because they were stupid enough to not protect their own privacy, well not directly at least, but because they chose not to sign out before refusing, with some violence, to pay their tab.)
Angry Birds Maker Posted Revenue of $106.3 Million in 2011 (New York Times)(Brightly colored birds are not just good for blowing up evil pigs. They are also proving profitable. Rovio Entertainment, the creator of the Angry Birds franchise, racked up revenue of $106.3 million last year and posted earnings before tax of $67.6 million. “The strong growth in revenue clearly demonstrates the popularity of the Angry Birds brand,” Mikael Hed, Rovio’s chief executive, said in a statement. “The heavy investments made in 2011 to all business areas will be seen in future products.”)
iPad mini to debut during second half of 2012? (CNET)(Apple has reportedly already tagged LCD suppliers for an iPad mini, with an eye toward launching the tablet in the second half of the year. This latest scuttlebut comes courtesy of Taiwan news outlet Liberty Times (English translation). Citing the usual, vague "market rumors" but also a report from Japanese securities firm Macquarie, the Liberty Times said the iPad mini could start shipping by the end of the third quarter with a goal of 6 million units.)
#1. Instagram Socialmatic
#2. Brookstone Portable Fuel Cell Charger
#3. Audi Electric Bike
#4. Auto Hop
#5. Unbreakable Smart Phone Screen
#6. iPad Mini
#7. One Wire Monitor
#8. Dual Tap Faucet
#9. Space Taxi
#10. Russian satellite
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