New York may shut down bus service that makes women sit in back (Reuters)
(New York City authorities said on Thursday they will shut down a Brooklyn bus service run by Orthodox Jews if the group doesn't stop making women sit at the back of the bus. The Private Transportation Corp, which operates the city's public B110 bus under a franchise arrangement, has come under criticism after recent publicity about its practice of making female riders give up their seats in the front to promote Hasidic customs of gender separation.)
Students chant ‘Racist!’ at bus driver (Austin Daily Herald)
(Students on an Albert Lea Schools bus chanted, “Racist, racist, racist!” on Friday afternoon in response to an interaction between two passengers and the driver. Parents are still asking questions about the incident — to which police responded — but have been unable to find out much other than what their own children are telling them.)
Policeman regains medal from marathon bus cheat (Deadline News)
(A POLICE officer robbed of his podium place in a marathon by a cheating runner who hopped on a bus to take him the last few miles has had his award restored by athlete Steve Cram. Veteran Edinburgh marathon runner Steve Cairns crossed the finish line earlier this month convinced he had clinched third place.)
Girl Arrested After Attack On School Bus (WESH)
(A high school student was slashed on an Orange County School bus Wednesday and another was taken into custody. Deputies said they searched the home of the teenager accused in the attack. WESH 2 News crews saw someone at the home being walked out in handcuffs during the search.)
Parents notified over hour later after Newport News school bus crashes into a tree (WTKR)
(A school bus filled with special needs students crashed into a tree when the driver passed out in Newport News earlier today. Parents of the Woodside High students were only told their children would get home a little later. "Nobody never told me the bus was in an accident, nobody never told me that the bus hit a tree,” said Tashia Smith, one of the parents.)

Man dressed as Spiderman, wielding sword attempts to rob North Carolina convenience store (AP)
(A note to would-be crooks channeling their favorite superheroes: Just because you're wearing the mask, it doesn't mean you have super powers. Authorities in North Carolina say a sword-wielding bandit wearing a Spider-Man mask walked into a convenience store Wednesday morning and demanded money.)
Taiwanese woman finds out she has testicles (Straits Times)
(Sin Chew Daily reported that a Taiwanese woman was shocked when a gynaecologist told her that she had testicles. The woman, 34, decided to consult a specialist after experiencing pain in her genital area. It was her first time seeking treatment from a gynaecologist although she had never experienced menstruation in her life.)
Northern Irish Man Jailed After Trying To Turn His Feces into Gold (My Fox DC)
(A Northern Irish man's bizarre plan to get stinking rich by turning his poop into gold has landed him in jail. Paul Moran, 30, thought his bathroom breaks would make him flush with cash if he kept his own waste and heated it to produce the precious metal, at his government-subsidized apartment in Enniskillen, in the province's southeast.)
Air Force UFO Rules Vanish After Huffington Post Inquiry (Xenophilia)
(The military deleted a passage about unidentified flying objects from a 2008 Air Force personnel manual just days after The Huffington Post asked Pentagon officials about the purpose of the UFO section. Before the recent revisions, the document — Air Force Instruction 10-206 — advised pilots, radar operators and other Air Force personnel on what to do when they encountered any unknown airborne objects. Now in the 2011 version, the reference to UFOs — which simply means “unidentified flying objects,” not necessarily spaceships with little green men — has been eliminated.)
Replica AK-47 BB guns allowed into Canada (CBC)
(The RCMP are racing to track down and seize hundreds of replica AK-47 BB guns imported from China that investigators fear can be easily reconfigured into deadly prohibited weapons. The Mounties launched raids and seizures last week on a number of gun stores in B.C., Ontario, and Quebec. Investigators believe the toys — assembled with authentic parts from the Chinese Type-56 version of the AK-47 semi-automatic assault rifle — can be transformed into weapons with a simple switch of the gun's barrel and bolt.)
Halloween Display of Skeleton Hanging by a Noose Causes Racial Controversy (My Fox DC)
(A Halloween display of a skeleton hanging by a noose has caused controversy in a small Virginia town. According to a report on, a Franklin lawmaker and some residents say the decoration is racially offensive. "You can show black people a noose and it's gonna' immediately, immediately slavery registers hanging, lynching," said Councilman Greg McLemore according to the report.)
Declaration of Independence Was 'Illegal,' Grounds for Treason, British Lawyers Say (Fox News)
(The Declaration of Independence was “illegal” and “treasonable,” according to a team of British lawyers, the BBC reports. The assertion was made at a debate in Philadelphia between British and American lawyers over the legitimacy of the United States of America. At the debate, pitting British barristers against American attorneys, lawyers for the former colonial power argued that America’s Declaration of Independence in 1776 “was not only illegal, but actually treasonable,” according to the BBC.)
Man Allegedly Beat Woman with Frozen Armadillo (Xenophilia)
(A man used a frozen armadillo to attack a 57-year old Pleasant Grove woman, Dallas police said. The incident happened on Sept. 29 in an apartment complex parking lot. According to investigators, the altercation occurred when the suspect was selling the carcass to the victim, who planned to eat the animal.)

Batman 3 DARK KNIGHT RISES Heads to real GOTHAM Protests (Boom Tron)
(Batman better load his utility belt with all the goodies he can get his hands on because The Dark Knight Rises is headed to New York, where the Occupy Wall Street protests might become an immortalized part of Christopher Nolan’s Batman franchise. Warner Bros/Legendary Pictures’ production team will be arriving in New York on October 29th for a 14-day stay, according to the LA Times Blog, where filming will continue on Magnus Rex, the not-so-secret code name for The Dark Knight Rises. According to someone familiar with the actors’ schedules, who of course wants to remain anonymous, cast members have been advised that the shoot could include scenes at the Occupy Wall Street protests.)
'Batman: Arkham City' Actor Mark Hamill Retires The Joker (Splash Page)
(When I think of the Joker, at least in the audible sense, I immediately think of Mark Hamill. As a kid, "Batman: The Animated Series" was always a must-watch show, regardless of how many times I may have already seen the same episode re-run, and it did more to form my love for the Dark Knight than anything else outside the comics. Even though Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger both turned in commanding performances – especially Ledger's darker turn – the cackling voice of Hamill will forever just be the Joker for me.)
Holy probation Batman! (Northwest Ohio)
( A Michigan man who was arrested after being spotted atop a building while wearing a Batman costume won't be dressing up for a while. Mark Williams was arrested back in May after being spotted on the roof of a Michigan building, in his superhero get-up.)

Don't touch! Study confirms your worst fears about public potties (MSNBC)
(No. 1: A new study on the germ orgies going down in America’s public restrooms truly puts the “P” in repulsive, repugnant and “Hey, how awesome are my Depends?” No. 2: If you can, maybe just hold it until you get home. Yes, we’re talking about relieving those two basic bodily functions and doing so in some of most bacteria-bedecked spaces anywhere. As long suspected, bathroom surfaces in U.S. restaurants, airplanes, stores, hospitals and other busy locales are often heavily contaminated with illness-causing microbes – and, in some cases, the bug colonies are even too large to measure, according to a paper to be presented Friday to the Infectious Diseases Society of America in Boston.)
Wellbeing: When politeness is problematic (Naional Post)
(Dr. Aidan Feeney has a few thoughts about politeness. Essentially, he thinks it has the ability to cost lives. “The more serious the situation, the more likely you are to be polite and the more room there is for confusion,” says Feeney, a professor at the school of psychology at Queen’s University, Belfast, and co-author of a new paper entitled The Risk of Polite Misunderstanding, published last week by the Association of Psychological Science. “We’re motivated to protect the face of the people we’re speaking with, but when delivering bad news, or explaining a grave situation, a lack of bluntness makes a high-stakes situation much more grave.”)
Men Win Humor Test (by a Hair) (Science Daily)
(Men are funnier than women, but only just barely and mostly to other men. So says a psychology study from the University of California, San Diego Division of Social Sciences. While the findings lend some support to the stereotype on gender differences and humor -- perhaps most vociferously and provocatively argued in recent memory by author Christopher Hitchens in his 2007 Vanity Fair article "Why Women Aren't Funny" -- they also undermine the standard explanations as to why.)

Microsoft Is Developing a Digital Holodeck (Gizmodo)
(We've been waiting for Star Trek-style Holodeck technology since, what, 1987? Microsoft Research has finally taken up the challenge and developed this—it's not quite a Holodeck, but it's tantalizingly close. The HoloDesk, as Microsoft has dubbed it, uses an overhead screen to project a 2D image down through a half-silvered beam-splitter onto the desktop below.)
MC Hammer launching his own search engine (CNN)
(You can't Google this. OK, maybe you can. But MC Hammer doesn't want you to. The venerable rapper, who helped usher hip-hop into the pop mainstream in the early '90s, has rolled out a search engine he hopes will outperform Google, Bing and other established tools.)
(SUBMITTED BY: @Fitzman73)Poll names 'sexting' most annoying tech word (MSNBC)
("Sexting" has been voted the most annoying new tech word added to the dictionary over the last few years, according to a new poll. "Sexting" — which means "the sending of sexually explicit photographs or messages by mobile phone" — topped an online poll conducted by YouGov for Computeractive magazine to become the "most annoying or horrible" new tech-related word in the dictionary, bringing in about 24 percent of the votes.The poll surveyed of 2,054 adults in the U.K.)
'Mobile use doesn't increase brain cancer risk' (News AU)
(USING mobile phones does not cause brain cancer according the largest study ever conducted on the subject, but Australian experts are still wary about the results. According to the 18-year long study of more than 350,000 people, there is little to no increase in the risk of brain tumours in mobile phone users compared with people who do not use them.)

Exotic Animal Owner Was Deep in Debt (Time)
(The owner of an exotic animal farm who killed himself after setting his menagerie of tigers, lions, bears and other beasts loose in the Ohio countryside was deep in debt, records show. Terry Thompson and his wife had money problems dating to the 1990s, but their debt had escalated in recent years and they owed at least $68,000 in unpaid income and property taxes, according to the court records obtained Thursday.)
Is There Any Point Begging Banks to Drop Debit Card Fees? (Time)
(In the aftermath of Bank of America’s new $5 monthly debit card fee, politicians, consumer groups, and plain old angry consumers have denounced such fees as unfair and arbitrary, and pleaded with BofA and other financial institutions to get rid of them. But instead of asking these banks to reverse their decisions, perhaps it’s more productive to ask why it is you’re doing business with them in the first place.)
Vietnam War Bunker Unearthed Under Famous Hanoi Hotel (Time)
(A bomb shelter dating back to the Vietnam War has been unearthed beneath the famous Metropole Hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam. The hotel, which has hosted celebrities like Charlie Chaplin, Graham Greene, Jane Fonda and numerous war correspondents, now houses many high-end boutiques such as handbag designer Hermes. It was only during the renovation of a poolside bar that the bunker was discovered early this summer; it had been sealed off three years after the end of the war, and it fell into the forgotten annals of history.)
Online Campaign Aims to Stop Congress from Jailing Justin Bieber (Time)
(An anti-piracy bill currently in Congress could, if passed, put Justin Bieber in jail for five years, according to a new online campaign against the bill. Clearly, this campaign has not considered that the idea may cause all manner of conflict for those who are pro-electronic freedom but anti-Bieber.)

Iowa Couple Married 72 Years Dies Holding Hands, an Hour Apart (Yahoo)
(A devoted Iowa couple married for 72 years died holding hands in the hospital last week, exactly one hour apart. The passing reflected the nature of their marriage, where, "As a rule, everything was done together," said the couple's daughter Donna Sheets, 71.)
Claire Morris memory walk costs brother his leg (BBC)
(The brother of a woman murdered by her husband, Malcolm Webster, has had part of his leg amputated after damaging it during a walk in her memory. Peter Morris had to halt his trek from his sister Claire's grave in Tarves, Aberdeenshire, to Holyrood last month.)

Possible cause of Listeria determined by FDA (Our Colorado News)
(The Food and Drug Administration has determined that the possible cause of the multistate Listeria outbreak that killed a Parker woman was storage and environment contamination on Jenson Farms. On Sept. 20, Shelly Occhipinti-Krout, 48, died from the Listeria after spending three weeks at Parker Adventist Hospital. So far, 25 deaths linked to Listeria have been reported across the nation.)
Google+ pseudonym support is coming soon (ZDNET)
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