Bus driver acquitted after punching cyclist (Nine MSN)
(A bus driver who punched a cyclist in the face after he called him fat and stupid in a peak hour road rage incident has been acquitted in a Brisbane court. Leon James Zahnow, 36, admitted punching 57-year-old Gregory Ralph Jardine, snapping his glasses in two and leaving him bleeding, in the inner-city suburb Paddington on December 10, 2009, the Brisbane Times reports.)
Bus drivers seek legal advice over secret cameras on buses (Vancouver Sun)
(Metro Vancouver bus drivers are seeking legal advice as to whether Coast Mountain Bus Co. breached their privacy when it installed secret cameras in their coaches, allegedly to catch a vandal. Don MacLeod, president of the Canadian Auto Workers Union 111, said that in June, unbeknownst to bus drivers, a second lens was hidden inside the housing of security cameras in 11 coaches in Vancouver and three in Richmond.)
NY Company Unveils Electric School Bus (My Fox Phoenix)
(The U.S. education system is about to be electrified. At least the trip to school is. New York-based bus manufacturer Trans Tech Bus has unveiled a battery-powered school bus that it plans to start selling next year.)
Phuket bus crash driver blames brake failure (Phuket Gazette)
(The driver of the Phuket tour bus full of Russian tourists that ran off the road on a steep curve heading into Patong this afternoon told police that brake failure caused the accident. “The brakes failed. That’s what caused the crash,” said Nakrob Tiewtrakul, 42, from Ratchaburi, who suffered a deep cut on his forehead when the bus plowed into the side of a building under construction, ripping a gaping hole in the side of the bus.)

(Now, we understand the motivation. If we lost our laptop, we'd be tearful, angry and willing to do whatever it took to get it back. Sure, we may even offer up some money as a reward. Our grief-stricken mind may even cause us to suggest an amount that we probably can't easily afford....R&B singer/producer Ryan Leslie had his MacBook stolen while on tour in Germany and he originally offered up a $20,000 reward. The laptop in question had material for an upcoming album, hence the stress. After falling deeper into a pit of sadness, Leslie decided to up the reward to $1 million.)
Man Claims Prostitute Turned Into Donkey (My FOX NY)
(A man caught having sex with a donkey told a court in Zimbabwe the animal was actually a prostitute who turned into a donkey in the night. Sunday Moyo, 28, was found by police officers performing a sex act on the donkey, who was lying on the ground tied to a tree, just after 4:00am local time, a court in Zvishavane, about 185 miles (300 kilometers) south of the capital Harare, heard.)
Worst California biker feud in decade erupted at Starbucks (Yahoo)
(A turf war between the Hells Angels and a rival motorcycle gang that erupted outside a California Starbucks shop last year has left several men dead, wounded or missing in three states, stirring fears of more bloodshed. Ranked by law enforcement as the most severe clash of two California-based biker groups in nearly a decade, the spate of violence turned deadly last month when it spilled into Nevada with a brawl and shooting among members of the Hells Angels and Vagos motorcycle clubs.)
SeaWorld performing killer whales are slaves, group says (MSNBC)
(A federal court is being asked to grant constitutional rights to five killer whales who perform at marine parks — an unprecedented and perhaps quixotic legal action that is nonetheless likely to stoke an ongoing, intense debate at America's law schools over expansion of animal rights. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is accusing the SeaWorld parks of keeping five star-performer whales in conditions that violate the 13th Amendment ban on slavery. SeaWorld depicted the suit as baseless.)
Man who climbed into hollow tree trunk gets stuck, then rescued (LA Times)
(A public service announcement from L.A. Now: If you think you might not fit into something, don't try it. Earlier, we posted a story out of the Bay Area, where a guy was stuck for nine hours in a park's baby swing. He squeezed into it on a $100 bet. And now, the Orange County Register is reporting that firefighters Tuesday morning rescued a man stuck inside the hollow trunk of a tree.)
Man thought to be Gacy victim found alive in Fla. (Yahoo)
(Siblings who feared their brother was one of serial killer John Wayne Gacy's eight unidentified victims were amazed and overjoyed to learn that he's been living in Florida for decades. Tim Lovell and Theresa Hasselberg hadn't seen their brother, Harold Wayne Lovell, since he left their family's Chicago home in May 1977 in search of construction work. At the time, Gacy was trolling for young men and boys in the area. He was a contractor, and he lured many of the 33 young men and boys he killed by offering them work.)
Christian radio host warns that lesbian nurses can make kids gay (Wisconsin Gazette)
(Radio host Linda Harvey of Mission America went on an anti-gay rant during her “Christian” radio show yesterday, warning parents to keep their children away from LGBT healthcare professionals. Her implication was that exposing young kids to LGBT people in a medical setting could turn them gay.)
Man banned from owning more than 10 avocados (News Lite)
(A judge has ruled that a US man can never own more than 10 avocados after he was found to have stolen an estimated 1,000lb of the fruit. Barron Stein is now banned from being in procession of more than 10 of the soft green fruits after admitting the theft.)
Rite Aid ad groped by sex offender (Berkshire Eagle)
( A convicted sex offender admitted he kissed and fondled a cardboard cutout of a woman, which was part of a North Street pharmacy's advertising display. Charlie J. Price, 57, of Pittsfield, pleaded guilty to a single count of disturbing the peace, subsequent offense, and was ordered to pay a $200 fine by Central Berkshire District Court Judge Fredric D. Rutberg. Saturday around 5 p.m., Price, who was allegedly intoxicated, walked into the Rite Aid pharmacy, "grabbed hold of the sunglass display, hugged it tightly and then began to lick and kiss the face of the female party on the display," according to a Pittsfield Police report.)
Edmonton store bans girl's service dog twice (CBC)
(An Edmonton woman has filed a human rights complaint after her autistic nine-year-old daughter and service dog were told to leave the west-end Winners for the second time in three months. "I don't believe that anybody should feel like a second-class citizen in any place ... and especially as a child," said Alison Ainsworth, Emily's mother.)
Exposé gets Valley mom banned from McDonald's (AZ Fmily)
( An Arizona State University professor's campaign against dirty restaurant playgrounds got her banned from several McDonald's in the Valley. Dr. Erin Carr-Jordan, a mother of four, started recording and posting videos of trashy playgrounds, and quickly built an international following. Her lab tests, which revealed dangerous bacteria on the equipment, have been featured on network broadcasts and in major national newspapers.)
Schools want children to trade in scary costumes for ‘caring’ ones (Canada.com)
(Children wanting to wear scary, violent or blood-drenched costumes will have to trade them in for more caring and community friendly outfits at two public elementary schools this Halloween. The principal of Colonel Walker and Ramsay schools said her staff has chosen to use the day normally known for scares and frights as an opportunity to teach community values.)
Radioactive Used Cars Being Sold in Japan (NBC LA)
(Cars that were contaminated by radiation during the March nuclear meltdown in Japan are finding their way into the reeling nation's used car market. Vehicles from the area around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, which suffered a series of meltdowns after the earthquake and tsunami of March 11, were supposed to be destroyed.)
Man reports date as burglar when girlfriend shows (AP)
(Colorado Springs police say a man's girlfriend unexpectedly came home just before another woman was due to visit, so he called police to report his new acquaintance as a burglar. The Gazette reports that 24-year-old Kevin Gaylor was cited with a misdemeanor of false reporting to authorities.)

Jason Mewes Talks About Jay and Silent Bob, Working with Kevin Smith -- and His Roofing Job (SF Weekly)
(Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith have been playing and talking about their fictional weed-dealing duo Jay and Silent Bob for 17 years, starting with 1994's Clerks through to 2006's Clerks II. For the past few years, they've presented a live podcast Jay and Silent Bob Get Old, which stops at the Castro Theatre on Friday (Oct. 28) as a double-feature with Smith's freaky new horror film Red State (in which Jay and Silent Bob do not appear).)
In 'Red State,' Kevin Smith Sees Red: The 13 Days of Halloween 2011 - Day Six (Commercial Appeal)
("Show me how Popeye do." Those words, printed here on this page (posted here on this screen?), don't mean much. They may seem like nonsense. But as spoken in "Red State" by actor Michael Parks to a little kid who proudly jumps up from his church-pew seat and flexes his skinny arms, they're amazing, hilarious -- yet frightening, too. Because Parks has been cast as Abin Cooper, a God-fearing, gun-loving preacher who has taken the ugly anti-homosexual stance of Kansas' Westboro Baptist Church to psychopathological and even homicidal extremes. And that little kid will be encouraged by Cooper to use his pride and strength to promote hatred, and to kill. "Show me how Popeye do." The less than three seconds it takes to speak those words make up one of the most memorable moments of the movie year.)

Batman collection of slain Florida millionaire set to be auctioned in Beverly Hills (Washington Posst)
(An extensive collection of Batman memorabilia once owned by a slain Florida millionaire will be auctioned next month. Heritage Auctions said Wednesday it expects the sale of Ben Novack Jr.’s collection to generate more than $1 million. It will be held Nov. 15-17 in Beverly Hills, Calif.)
Original 1942 Batman cover art featuring The Penguin expected to bring $300,000+ at HA (Art Daily)
(The original 1942 Jerry Robinson artwork from Detective Comics #67, one of the earliest Batman covers still known to exist - consigned by the legendary Golden Age artist himself - is being offered for the very first time at auction and is expected to bring $300,000+ when it comes across the block on Nov. 15 as part of Heritage Auctions' Vintage Comics & Comic Art Signature(r) Auction in Beverly Hills. The cover art is one of three Treasures from the Robinson Collection being offered in the auction, all of which have been tucked away in Jerry Robinson's personal collection for almost 70 years.)
'Dark Knight' Rising in Newark Next Week? Officials Won't Say (Westward Patch)
(Newark may become Gotham City for two days next week. Officials in New Jersey's largest city started informing residents and visitors Wednesday of expected traffic delays downtown Nov. 3 and Nov. 4 because of what appears to be the filming of the next Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises.")

Strawberries protect the stomach from alcohol (Medical Xpress)
(In an experiment on rats, European researchers have proved that eating strawberries reduces the harm that alcohol can cause to the stomach mucous membrane. Published in the open access journal Plos One, the study may contribute to improving the treatment of stomach ulcers.)
Gaining weight knocks women's confidence most (News Lite)
(Putting on weight is the number one thing that will knock a women's confidence, a study has revealed. Feeling like the're carrying an extra few pounds is closely followed by having a bad hair day or having bad skin for having an effect on how women feel.)
A woman’s walk tells a lot about how comfortable she is in the bedroom (Sun Times)
(It is not uncommon for men to slyly watch attractive women as they walk down the street, especially in a city like Chicago where beautiful women are at every turn. However, a recent study out of Belgium suggests that a woman’s walk is more than just a tempting way for her to strut her stuff. It also is a way for keen observers to detect her orgasmic history. According to the researchers, a woman’s walk gives off subtle clues that can belie her sexual experience.)
French study reveals hard facts about penis size (News Lite)
(Boffins in France have published details about the size of the average French penis -- so garlic munching men don't worry about the size of le tackle. Researchers at Paris-based National Academy of Surgery hope the study will curb a recent rise in penis enlargement surgery.)
Pain levels measured in brain using MRI (UPI)
(British scientists say they have for the first time developed a way to use brain scans to objectively measure the levels of pain felt by patients. Using magnetic resonance imaging, researchers have found distinct differences between the brains of people who are experiencing pain and those who are not. That means doctors may have a way to measure suffering based on something other than asking patients how they are feeling, The Sunday Times of London reported.)

Taiwanese man sues after Facebook ‘like’ button click (OZ Soap Box)
(Proving yet again that the idiotic cultural concept of ‘saving face at all costs’ and defamation are dangerously incompatible, the latest legal ridiculousness to come out of Taiwan is a defamation lawsuit that revolves around someone clicking a Facebook ‘like’ button. Featured on hundreds of millions of websites, the Facebook’s ‘like’ button allows users to publicly recommend content they agree with and/or support.)
Copyright bill revives Internet 'death penalty' (CNET)
(Hollywood's lobbyists have launched a bold new anti-piracy offensive in Washington that will face strong opposition from Internet companies and users who worry it goes too far and jeopardizes free speech rights. A dozen members of the U.S. House of Representatives today announced they've jointly introduced a new bill intended to make allegedly copyright-infringing Web sites, sometimes called "rogue" Web sites, virtually disappear from the Internet.)
YouTube faces dilemma over "man boobs" (CBS)
(Nearly seven years after its founding, YouTube employees still fiercely debate where to draw the line between titillating content that may or may not be acceptable. Including videos of man boobs.)

NYC performance artist gives birth in art gallery (AP)
(A performance artist who said giving birth is the "highest form of art" has delivered a baby boy — inside a New York City art gallery. The Microscope Gallery in Brooklyn said Marni Kotak gave birth to a healthy infant, weighing 9 pounds, 2 ounces, and 21 inches long.)
Moammar Kadafi's family reportedly will sue NATO (LA Times)
(The family of deceased Libyan dictator Moammar Kadafi reportedly plans to file a war-crimes complaint against NATO for the role they believe the international military alliance played in the former leader’s death, a lawyer for the family told Agence France-Presse news service.)
Newton couple gets lost in Stow apple orchard (Wicked Local)
(A walk through an apple orchard proved to be no picnic for a Newton couple that got lost at Honey Pot Hill Orchards in Stow. Andrew Martin, who owns the orchard at 144 Sudbury Road with his sister, Julie Martin-Sullivan, said it was getting dark out when the couple wandered across the orchard.)
The end of the world is nigh - or is it? (Telegraph UK)
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