is yours for the listening.
Check it out over on
iTunes by clicking
Congrats to the band, Nicole
and all involved!
Bus driver acquitted after punching cyclistBottle thrown at bus window narrowly missed passenger (STV)
(A bottle has been thrown at a bus smashing a window and narrowly missing a passenger. Officers are linking the vandalism with an incident last week where a brick was thrown off a bridge at a train.)
Border Patrol's newest weapon is a bus (USA Today)
(The Border Patrol has a new weapon in its battle to keep illegal immigrants nabbed in Arizona from crossing back into the United States -- buses. Colleen Agle, a spokesman for the Border Patrol's Tucson Sector, tells The Arizona Republic that busing illegal immigrants to Texas or California before returning them to Mexico makes it harder for them to reconnect with their human-smuggling guides.)
Bus driver shaken after hitting girl (Stuff)
(A school bus driver is "pretty shaken" after hitting a 14-year-old girl in Kaitaia this morning. The Kaitaia College student was struck by the bus on Redan Rd at around 8.50am. She was taken to hospital with "serious injuries".)
Train smashes into bus (Stuff)
(Seven bus passengers leapt for their lives last night at Paekakariki as a freight train smashed into the rear of the bus, shearing it in half. Inspector Marty Edghill, from Police Central Communications, said the accident happened at Beach Rd at the main intersection into Paekakariki around 10.30pm.)
Gunman kills himself at Greyhound Bus station (Cincinnati News)
(A man shot himself to death after a standoff with police at the Greyhound Bus station downtown shortly after noon today, police said. Shortly after noon, police and SWAT teams fired tear gas and entered the building along with firefighters carrying a heavy saw and other equipment.)

(When it comes to the confidence of squirrels, we've all witnessed an inarguable change over the years. Think back to your youth and you'll probably remember them coyly scampering away whenever you got close, trying desperately to play the part of the constant wallflower. Cut to 2011 and they represent the tough, violent underclass of the animal kingdom.)
'Jon and Kate' Editor Arrested for sex exploit of a minor (Huliq)
("Kate Plus 8" may have been cancelled, but it's not out of the news, despite the fact this news is not about Kate Gosselin or her children, but about a TV editor who worked on TLC's "Jon and Kate Plus 8," along with other family-oriented reality television series.)
Hero dog saves owner knocked unconscious by lightning strike (The Mirror)
(A MAYOR struck by lightning was dragged home to his wife by his faithful dog. Ian Thomas, 64, was walking his giant schnauzer Monty when he was hit by the bolt. He was knocked unconscious by the huge electrical charge and doctors said his life was only saved because he was wearing wellies.)
12-Year-Old Builds Real-Life Angry Birds Game Using Pumpkins (Oddity Central)
(Sam Beards, a 12-year-old Angry Birds fan from England, has taken his obsession with the popular video game to a whole new level, by creating a real-life version using pumpkins and a giant cannon. Just like millions of people around the world, Sam spent hours every day playing Angry Birds on the tiny screen of his iPod, but when he got the idea of making a real-life adaptation of his favorite game using a pumpkin cannon his father built last Halloween, he jumped at the opportunity.)
Kim Kardashian Files For Divorce (MTV)
(Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries said "I Do" in an elaborate, very public ceremony over the summer, and now comes word that the reality starlet and her basketball player hubby are calling it quits just 72 days after tying the know. TMZ reported that Kim filed for divorce from Humphries on Monday (October 31), coincidentally the scariest day of the year. Sources told the site that Kim is not seeking an annulment and cites "irreconcilable differences" as the cause for the split.)
More than 2 million without power as Northeast recovers from storm (CNN)
(More than 2 million people in at least five states were without power Monday, a day after a rare October snowstorm buried parts of the Northeast under more than two feet of snow. Utilities throughout the region reported significant progress in restoring power, but the cold, snowy conditions and house-by-house nature of the damage was slowing the work, officials said.)
'Body hair sandwich' prompts Pennsylvania cop to sue deli (Grand Forks Herald)
(A Pennsylvania policeman who found body hair in his bagel sandwich last year has sued the deli where he bought it and the cook who admitted sabotaging it as payback for a previous run-in with the officer. Jeremy Merck, 30, a six-year veteran of the Evesham department, alleged in the suit that Good Foods to Go was negligent for failing to keep its premises safe and for failing to properly examine the sandwich that Ryan J. Burke served him on Feb. 20, 2010.)
Smithfield police say they may have to stop investigating some crimes to save money for gas (WTKR)
(Police in Smithfield say they may have to stop investigating misdemeanors and ignore some 911 calls if town leaders don't provide more gas money. The News & Observer of Raleigh reports ( ) that Police Chief Michael Scott will make the proposals Tuesday to the town council.)

Kevin Smith talks ‘Red State’ film (Daily 49er)
(As it turns out, Silent Bob is not completely silent. Filmmaker Kevin Smith, director of "Clerks," "Chasing Amy" and his latest film, "Red State" really likes to talk. "Filmmaking isn't my forte — talking is my forte" Smith said at his recent screening and Q&A at the Long Beach Art Theater. Smith's love of spoken-word shows in his weekly Smodcast radio show and the expertly-written dialogue in his many films.)
Kevin Smith finds movie inspiration through hockey (
(Kevin Smith is the first person to admit that he's far from a "sports guy." However, the award-winning filmmaker not only has dedicated himself to the game of hockey, he's announced that his final movie -- actually, movies -- will be hockey-themed. Smith currently is working on the script for "Hit Somebody," which is based on the Warren Zevon song of the same name. The song tells the fictional story of Buddy McCracken, who dreams of scoring a goal in a game, but instead, is used by teams more for his fists.)

'The Dark Knight Rises' arrives in the Big Apple, comes to Newark Thursday (
(Wearing a crisp suit, slicked-back hair and a serious mug, Christian Bale walked out of Trump Tower in Manhattan and into a waiting police car. Tourists and other pedestrians gawked from all sides around the building yesterday, along the stretch of Fifth Avenue from East 56th Street to East 57th Street.)
Kim Kardashian sexes it up as ‘Batman & Robin’ villain Poison Ivy for Halloween party (NY Daily News)
(Kim Kardashian's Halloween costume was very deadly. The reality star dressed up as Poison Ivy from "Batman & Robin," who killed her enemies with toxic kisses, for the Midori Green Halloween bash at LAVO in New York City on Saturday.)
he Dark Knight Rises to film Batman and Bane fight scene on Wall Street (Metro UK)
(Location Vacations is reporting that the two stars will appear in 'full costume' for the scene which will involve more than 1000 extras. The streets of New York will be transformed into a Gotham which is ruled by genetically-enhanced baddie Bane. It reports: 'After months of chaos the cops return and the “good guys” battle it out with the “bad guys” for the streets of Gotham.')

Samsung overtakes Apple in smartphone shipments (Xenophilia)
(Samsung overtook Apple to become the world’s biggest shipper of smartphones between July and September. Research from Strategy Analytics showed that Samsung shipped 27.8 million smartphones in the three-month period, compared with 17.1 million from Apple and 16.8 million from Nokia.)

Diverted by Snowstorm, JetBlue Passengers Stuck on Tarmac for Eight Hours (Time)
(We don't expect too much from airplanes, as long as they can get us to our destination (roughly) on time, travel safely and maybe show a decent movie. What we do expect is not to be stuck on a tarmac for eight hours. When JetBlue Flight 504 left Fort Lauderdale, Fla., for Newark, N.J., at 10:07 a.m. E.T. on Saturday, departing 32 minutes late, the 100-plus passengers probably weren't too perturbed. But then Mother Nature got involved and all hell broke loose.)
FBI Releases Details of Russian Spy Ring (Time)
(The FBI on Monday released surveillance tapes, photos and hundreds of pages of documents that shed new light on operation "Ghost Stories," the bureau's investigation of a ring of Russian sleeper agents that ended after more than a decade in the biggest spy swap since the Cold War. Called illegals because they took civilian jobs instead of operating inside Russian embassies and military missions, the spies, including New York real estate agent Anna Chapman, mostly settled into quiet lives in middle-class neighborhoods.)
FBI Report: Insane Clown Posse Fans Are on Par with Bloods and Crips (Time)
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