Bus carrying hockey team rolls near Hinton (Metro News)
(Road conditions are being blamed after a passenger bus carrying an Edmonton hockey team rolled east of Hinton yesterday. RCMP and EMS responded just after 1 p.m. to the scene on Highway 16 between Edson and Hinton. RCMP spokesperson Doris Stapleton said the bus, carrying 30 passengers, lost control, skidded into the ditch and rolled once. “At this time it looks like poor road conditions and a slippery highway is what contributed to this incident,” said Stapleton, adding the driver was seriously injured.)
Bus Vandalism Closes Indiana School District (WLKY)
(Authorities said thieves stole the batteries from more than two dozen buses belonging to a suburban Indianapolis school district, leading it to cancel classes for the day. The damage to the Warren Township district buses was discovered about 5:30 a.m. Monday, after which district officials first delayed the start of school before deciding to call off classes.)
Bus Vandalism Closes Indiana School District (India Times)
(Fourteen people were injured when a government bus rolled off East Coast Road at Nemeli and hit a tree and some bushes at 2am on Sunday. Police said the driver of the Nagercoil-bound bus fell asleep at the wheel an hour after leaving the Koyambedu bus terminus. Residents of Nemeli helped the injured passengers and alerted Mamallapuram police and the ambulance service. "We woke up to the sound of the crash and ran out of our houses. We quickly put blocks of wood under the bus to prevent the bus from sliding further," said K Sundar, a resident of Nemeli, about 50km south of Chennai.)
Free bus travel for visitors to Devon costs county £1m (This Is North Devon)
(Devon has been hit by £1 million of costs after it emerged one-in-five people using free bus passes in the tourism season come from outside the county. A Devon County Council survey found it was under-writing the free off-peak travel scheme, enjoyed by Britons over 60, for hundreds of visitors. The survey revealed that during September 21 per cent of people using a concessionary bus pass were not from the Devon local authority area.)

I want an assault rifle for Christmas or the reindeer gets it! Gun club invites children to pose with Santa... and their choice of firearm (Daily Mail)
(It's definitely one way of making sure Christmas goes off with a bang. A gun club in Scottsdale, Arizona is inviting children to pose for pictures with Santa Claus – and a high-powered firearm. Each family member carries their choice of weapon, from pistols to $80,000 machine guns. Toting the gun, and perhaps belts of ammunition around their necks, they smile alongside a rather bewildered-looking Santa.)
Playboy Sued for Favoring Women at Raunchy Party (My Fox NY)
(A group of men who were forced to pay for entry to a Playboy party while women were admitted for free is suing the company, claiming sex discrimination. According to the suit, men were charged $1,000 for admission to the "Leather Meets Lace" party at the Playboy mansion, while women were ushered in free of charge, TMZ reported.)
Black Friday: Target Shoppers Step Over Walter Vance As He Collapses, Dies (Huffington Post)
(A Black Friday shopper who collapsed while shopping at a Target store in West Virginia went almost unnoticed as customers continued to hunt for bargain deals. Walter Vance, the 61-year-old pharmacist, who reportedly suffered from a prior heart condition, later died in hospital, reports MSNBC.)
Romanian mayor ends hunger strike over cuts (Reuters)
(Romanian mayor Florin Cazacu on Saturday ended a six-day hunger strike over cuts in heating subsidies after the government handed his town extra funds for fuel oil. He said thousands of residents in Brad have shivered at home after the government scrapped a centralised heating subsidy which, Cazacu said, left the central Romanian town with a 3 million lei ($912,500) shortfall. Winter temperatures around Brad fall as low as minus 30 degrees Celsius (-22 Fahrenheit).)
Opera Singing Parrot Lost in New York (ABC)
(Captain, a multi-talented parrot with a penchant for opera singing and bike rides, is lost in New York City, and owner Allen Kirson is on a mission to find her. “I’m not doing too good,” Kirson said. “I’m not sleeping, I’m having dreams, it’s like a lost person, you know?” Captain is a green and yellow Amazon Parrot who has performed with Kirson at venues like senior citizens’ homes and children’s hospitals.)
Why are US teenagers driving less? (BBC)
(American teenagers are taking to the road in fewer numbers than ever before. What's behind this trend and does it mean the end of the car as adolescent status symbol and rite of passage? If Ferris Bueller had a day off now, would he spend it on Facebook? Recent research suggests many young Americans prefer to spend their money and time chatting to their friends online, as opposed to the more traditional pastime of cruising around in cars.)
I want an assault rifle for Christmas or the reindeer gets it! Gun club invites children to pose with Santa... and their choice of firearm (Daily Mail)
(It's definitely one way of making sure Christmas goes off with a bang. A gun club in Scottsdale, Arizona is inviting children to pose for pictures with Santa Claus – and a high-powered firearm. Each family member carries their choice of weapon, from pistols to $80,000 machine guns. Toting the gun, and perhaps belts of ammunition around their necks, they smile alongside a rather bewildered-looking Santa.)
16-year-old realizes he was shot several hours after he was accosted at convenience store (AL.com)
(A 16-year-old discovered he had been shot in the collar bone hours after he was accosted by several people at a convenience store, police from the north precinct said. The victim told police that he was at the Quick Stop at 3726 Mastin Lake Road between 1:20 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. Sunday when several people approached him. One of the people punched him in the face and he fell to the ground, police said. The victim heard several gun shots while he was on the ground. Friends helped the juvenile to his car and he left.)
Man drags piano up mountain serenades elephants (Newslite)
(A mad-capped pianist has dragged his piano up a mountain in Kanchanaburi, Thailand to serenade a group of blind elephants. As you do. 50-year-old Brit Paul Barton -- who played Slow Movement 2 from Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata for the beasts -- made the odd bid in order to raise money for charity. He says he hopes to raise enough money to install an electric fence at the sanctuary where the injured and handicapped elephants live.)
Blast tied to tofu pan puzzles Portland officials (AP)
(Fire investigators in Portland, Ore., are trying to figure out how cleaning a pan of tofu could cause an explosion that broke out a window and resulted in $15,000 of damage. Fire Bureau spokesman Paul Corah tells The Oregonian (http://bit.ly/vLTwjn ) that a woman in the Old Town district said she cooked tofu Sunday night, and as she washed the pan, a blast knocked a 4-by-6-foot window into the street.)
Texas man becomes stuck in chimney after he and his family are locked out of their house (Washington Post)
(Fire officials say a Texas man who had to be rescued from the chimney of his house wasn’t trying to be Santa Claus. He was just locked out of his house. Fire officials say they had to hoist the 22-year-old man by rope from the chimney of his house in southwest Lubbock early Monday. Deputy Fire Marshal Robert Loveless tells the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (http://bit.ly/sb4ZlD ) that the man and his family were locked out of their house.)
2 Mass. women punished for stealing from weddings (Sacbee)
(Two Massachusetts women who crashed wedding receptions and stole gifts and money intended for the newlyweds have been ordered to pay more than $4,100 in restitution. Grafton resident Summer Igoe and Westboro resident Jenna Desaro pleaded guilty to larceny and conspiracy charges. They were placed on probation for three years. The Telegram & Gazette newspaper ( http://bit.ly/vVpWm6) reports the women on Monday were ordered to not use drugs or alcohol, to receive any treatment ordered by the court and to have no contact with their victims.)
South Florida teen finds out what can happen when private photos go public on porn site (Palm Beach Post)
(Juan and Maria Varona of Miami are struggling through a situation no parent should ever have to wrestle with. Hackers have intruded into their lives, violated their daughter's privacy. And they want others to know that it can happen to them, too. About four years ago, their youngest child, Angie Varona, uploaded some photos to her private Photobucket account. Among the pictures: Angie posing in her bikini and in a bra and panties, images meant only for her then-boyfriend to see. She was 14 and brash — as many teens are at that age — without the foresight to suspect what could happen next.)
College student accused of stealing day care's rabbit (Fox 11)
(A 20-year-old Lawrence University student has been charged for taking a rabbit from a nearby day care. Appleton police Sgt. Pat DeWall says Theodore Benner of Chalfont, Pa., was taken into custody Wednesday morning. Benner is accused of breaking into the Memorial Presbyterian Church, which is about two blocks from his dormitory on the Lawrence campus.)
Ohio puts 200-pound third-grader in foster care (Seattle PI)
(An Ohio third-grader who weighs more than 200 pounds has been taken from his family and placed into foster care after county social workers said his mother wasn't doing enough to control his weight. The Plain Dealer reports (http://bit.ly/t68M7D ) that the Cleveland 8-year-old is considered severely obese and at risk for such diseases as diabetes and hypertension.)
Man Busted For Secretly Filming Woman In Bathroom. Oh, The Woman Was His Mother-In-Law. (The Smoking Gun)
(A Virginia man used his cell phone to secretly record his mother-in-law undressed in the bathroom, police charge. Jason Good, 40, was busted yesterday on a misdemeanor charge of filming/videotaping an undressed person, according to a Henrico County Division of police statement. Cops had been contacted earlier Sunday by Good’s wife, who “was looking through her husband’s cell phone when she located a video of an adult female using the restroom.” After “further investigation,” police reported, “the reporting person was able to identify the female...it was her 57 year old mother.”)

'Dark Knight Rises' Last Batman Role For Christian Bale (MTV)
(After lasting longer in the role than any other actor, Christian Bale has confirmed that the upcoming finale of director Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, "The Dark Knight Rises," will be his curtain call as the iconic crime fighter. "I wrapped a few days ago so that will be the last time I'm taking that cowl off," Bale reportedly told the Philippine Daily Inquirer. "I believe the whole production wrapped yesterday, so it's all done. Everything's finished. It's me and Chris — that will be the end of that Batman era." The $200 million-plus epic, out July 20, will also feature Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Anne Hathaway as Catwoman and Tom Hardy as villain Bane.)
Batman to move towards twilight years in The Dark Knight Rises (Guardian)
(Seeking information about Christopher Nolan Batman movies is, if not like waiting for buses, perhaps like watching volcanoes. You wait for an age for anything at all, then everything explodes at once. If you're aiming to go into The Dark Knight Rises next summer without any preconceptions, the time to turn away is now. That said, Nolan has been known to drop decoys and blatant misinformation in the past, so his comments about the third and final instalment of the caped crusader's current big-screen iteration this week may be rather more disengenuous than they first appear.)
(When "Lego Batman" arrived onto consoles in 2008, the game introduced both kids and comic book fans to a terrific take on the Dark Knight's legacy, one that replaced the seriousness with joyful co-op action and the opportunity to play as both heroes (Batman, Robin) and villains (The Joker, Riddler and others). The game performed well for Warner Bros. Games and the title's publisher, , so it should come as no surprise that a continuation of the franchise would be in the cards.)
Batman: Arkham City PC gamers furious with technical issues (Hexus)
(From corrupted audio and boss battle glitches to stuttering frame-rates and fatal error messages, Batman: Arkham City gamers are up in arms about the host of technical problems currently plaguing the PC version of Warner Bros’ action adventure. Launching six weeks after the console version, the biggest complaint, however, is with DirectX11 and its poor implementation. Many users have complained that with DX11 activated, Batman: Arkham City is virtually unplayable and have now reverted back to DX9 to resolve the issue.)

Lab at Hershey Medical Center identifies a virus that could kill cancer (Penn Live)
(This is not the kind of lab we picture when we think of world-changing science. It’s not the clean, spotless modern laboratories of television or movies. It’s a cluttered, workaday environment, where plastic test tubes rub shoulders with petri dishes and tubs of chemicals on busy shelves. The white board isn’t covered with the scrawl of complex mathematical formulas, but reminders of whose turn it is to buy the doughnuts.)
Ahead Of Climate Talks, U.S. Leadership In Question (NPR)
(A new round of United Nations climate talks is getting under way in Durban, South Africa, Monday. And domestic struggles here in the United States are hampering the global talks. The United States is second only to China in emitting gases that cause global warming. Despite a presidential pledge to reduce emissions two years ago, we're spewing more carbon dioxide than ever into the atmosphere. That's putting a crimp on the 20-year-long struggle to develop a meaningful climate treaty.)

OSt. Petersburg's Freedom Bank isn't free to show digital flag (Tampa Bay)
(Freedom Bank isn't free to display the American flag on its digital sign. In fact, it got in trouble with the city for doing that very thing. Freedom's main office at 1200 Fourth St. N is one of about 35 businesses the city has listed as violating its sign code in the last 20 months. "We put the flag up in September in remembrance of 9/11," said Andy Williams, president and CEO of the St. Petersburg-based bank. "I think it's ridiculous that the American flag cannot be displayed on an electric sign.")
What’s in a Name? Ask Google (NY Times)
(KALIA is a stripper name, but Kaleya is not, her parents-to-be concluded. No offense to the Kalias of the world, but Lecia and Thor Kaslofsky decided this two years ago, after conducting a Google search of names they were considering for their first child.)
Facebook, Police and Persoanl Information (Daily Dot)
(Facebook released guidelines on how it handles requests for member information from law enforcement agencies, lawyers and other legal entities on Wednesday evening, just before the American Thanksgiving holiday. “We work with law enforcement where appropriate and to the extent required by law to ensure the safety of the people who use Facebook,” the guidelines state. “We may disclose information pursuant to subpoenas, court orders, or other requests (including criminal and civil matters) if we have a good faith belief that the response is required by law.”)
Emma Sullivan Will Not Apologize for Tweet About Sam Brownback (Gather)
(Emma Sullivan, the high school student now infamous for her tweet mentioning Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, has refused to apologize for her message, stating that she did not believe her apology would be sincere. An 18-year-old student, she and her class took a field trip to Topeka, Kansas to see a speech by the governor. At some point during the trip, she sent the following message to Twitter: "Just made mean comments at gov brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot.")
How Does Laptop Wi-Fi Affect Male Fertility? (Fox News)
(The digital age has left men's nether parts in a squeeze, if you believe the latest science on semen, laptops and wireless connections. In a report in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility, Argentinian scientists describe how they got semen samples from 29 healthy men, placed a few drops under a laptop connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi and then hit download.)

Occupy LA Protesters: Police Arrest Three (Time)
(Police have arrested three people after ordering Occupy Los Angeles protesters to leave a downtown intersection. The arrests came after hundreds of people gathered in the street after a deadline passed to vacate a City Hall park encampment.
(See pictures of the worldwide Occupy protests.) Water bottles were thrown at officers as officers in riot gear started clearing 1st and Main streets just after 5 a.m. Monday.)

Ohio investigators probe shootings possibly tied to Craigslist ad (CNN)
(The bodies of three men have been found in shallow graves in eastern Ohio, all of them believed to have been killed after answering a Craigslist ad to work on a cattle farm, according to authorities. The Summit County medical examiner's office on Saturday identified one of the victims as Timothy Kern of Massillon, Ohio. The 47-year-old's death, caused by "gunshot wounds to the head," was ruled a homicide, the office said in an audio recording.)
French Toddler Dies after Being Locked Inside Washing Machine (My Fox DC)
(A three-year-old French boy died after allegedly being locked inside a washing machine that was switched on as a punishment, Le Parisien reported Monday. Bastien Champenois' father is accused of loading the naked toddler into the machine at the family's home in Germigny-l'Eveque, just outside Paris, and then running a cold wash cycle for a few minutes. Christophe Champenois, 33 -- who was arrested by police soon after the incident last Friday -- was reported to have wanted to punish his son for misbehaving at kindergarten. The boy had flushed a classmate's drawings down the toilet.)

NBA lockout: Thank network television contract for forcing season to be salvaged (Washington Post)
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