What A Joker: Man Arrested Using Nicholson ID (Sky News)
(A man has been arrested in Brazil after he tried to open a bank account using forged ID with a photo of Oscar-winning actor Jack Nicholson. Ricardo Sergio Freire de Barros, 41, was picked up by police in the northeastern city of Recife and charged with using false documents and forgery.)
Freeze-Dried Pets Comfort Grieving Owners (Live Science)
(Mike McCullough never intended to start freeze-drying beloved pets for grieving owners. But more than a decade ago, a friend of a friend asked the Fort Loudon, Penn., taxidermist to save his beloved dog from the grave or cremation by preserving the animal instead. McCullough agreed. Then he talked to a Wall Street Journal reporter about the process. It made the front page. Requests from bereaved owners started rolling in. Today, McCullough's taxidermy shop, Mac's Taxidermy, is one of a handful of places around the country that will preserve not only hunting trophies, but also the hunting dog. )
Council claims Tattershall boy's pirate flag in garden breaches advertising rules (This Is Lincoln Shire)
(FLYING a skull and crossbones flag as part of their child's pirate play has landed a Lincolnshire family in hot water with the district council. The Tattershall couple have been instructed to take down the pirate flag from their garden because, the council says, it breaches advertising regulations.)
Gaga-inspired student video has parents' group griping (CTV)
(An anti-bullying video featuring 1,500 elementary and secondary school students dancing to Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" is drawing scorn from a group of parents in Burnaby, who call the pop anthem's message about inclusion and acceptance offensive. The YouTube clip was posted online Tuesday in advance of Pink Shirt Day, an annual anti-bullying event, and showcases students from 10 Metro Vancouver schools dancing in shirts that read "Acceptance.")
Six-Legged Giant Finds Secret Hideaway, Hides For 80 Years (NPR)
(They call it "Ball's Pyramid." It's what's left of an old volcano that emerged from the sea about 7 million years ago. A British naval officer named Ball was the first European to see it in 1788. It sits off Australia, in the South Pacific. It is extremely narrow, 1,844 feet high, and it sits alone. What's more, for years this place had a secret. At 225 feet above sea level, hanging on the rock surface, there is a small, spindly little bush, and under that bush, a few years ago, two climbers, working in the dark, found something totally improbable hiding in the soil below. How it got there, we still don't know.)
Ikea 'paid for secret police files on customers who complained' (Daily Mail)
(Furniture giant Ikea paid for secret police files to spy on 'complaining' customers and 'suspicious' staff at stores in France, it was claimed today. The Swedish company paid private security firms to carry out checks on criminal records and links to political groups on more than 200 people, it is alleged.)
Bangkok's 'Hitler chic' trend riles tourists, Israeli envoy (CNN)
(Cartoon pandas, Teletubbies, Ronald McDonald. At first glance they don’t seem to have much in common beyond a certain childlike quality. But during a visit to Bangkok you may discover another trait these popular cultural icons now share: their resemblance to Adolf Hitler. In the Thai capital’s latest outbreak of Nazi chic, pandas, Teletubbies and Ronald have metamorphosed into cutesy alter egos of the Führer, who seems to exert a childlike fascination over some young Thais.)
Disney closes new Habit Heroes exhibit after criticism for stigmatizing fat kids (Orlando Sentinel)
(Epcot's new Habit Heroes attraction, which tackles childhood obesity, has landed in big fat trouble. Shortly after its unofficial opening last month, the interactive exhibit was blasted by critics for stigmatizing fat kids. Now, Disney has closed the Innoventions exhibit for "retooling.")
(NASA had 5,408 computer security lapses in 2010 and 2011, including the March 2011 loss of a laptop computer that contained algorithms used to command and control the International Space Station (ISS), the agency's inspector general told Congress Wednesday. "These incidents spanned a wide continuum, from individuals testing their skill to break into NASA systems, to well-organized criminal enterprises hacking for profit, to intrusions that may have been sponsored by foreign intelligence services seeking to further their countries' objectives," Inspector General Paul Martin said in written testimony before the House Science, Space and Technology Committee investigations panel.)
Winder Man Calls 911 to Report Being Invisible (Barrow Patch)
(A 28-year-old Winder man called 911 on Feb. 17 and said he was invisible. Paramedics with Barrow County Emergency Services and a deputy with the Barrow County Sheriff's Office responded to a Chancey Circle residence following the 911 call.)

Filmmaker flying high after scene on airplane (News Tribune)
(When filmmaker, writer and producer Kevin Smith was kicked off an airplane two years ago for being too fat, little did he know that it would incite a series of events that would change his life. At the time, it was a tragedy, he says, seated in a noisy hotel restaurant and dressed in his usual orange-and-blue hockey jersey.)
Jason Mewes reveals his love for London (Fan Share)
(Jay and Silent Bob star Jason Mewes is currently in the UK with his partner in crime Kevin Smith, where they are set to hit the stage with their Jay and Silent Bob tour. Jason has been discussing how much fun he is having in London admitting that he is a huge fan of the London Eye and hopes to get to go on it again soon.)
Jason Mewes and The Book of Pure Evil (Digital Spy)
(You probably know Jason Mewes best for playing Jay, the foul-mouthed 'hetero life partner' of Kevin Smith's Silent Bob, in films such as Clerks and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back... But of late, Mewes has played the enigmatic Jimmy the janitor in comedy-horror series Todd and the Book of Pure Evil - think Buffy meets Peter Jackson's Braindead and you're pretty close!)

Moose stomp 2 Alaska women on way to bus stops with kids (News Tribune)
(Two women, in Talkeetna and Willow, were stomped by moose Thursday as they walked children to bus stops. A woman in Talkeetna, suffered injuries to her lower leg. The other woman had injuries to her ribs in a stomping near Willow. She was taken to a hospital, Alaska State Troopers spokeswoman Megan Peters said.)
Rider Jams Cell Phones on SEPTA Buses (NBC)
(The NBC10 Investigators tracked down a cell phone zapper who targets people using their cell phones on a SEPTA bus route. Not only does he admit doing it, he thinks it’s a good thing. The man, who calls himself Eric, told the NBC10 Investigators, “I guess I’m taking the law into my own hands and quite frankly, I’m proud of it.”)
Phoenix bus-driver union again holds off on transit strikex (AZ Central)
(The union representing about 1,000 Tempe and Phoenix bus drivers says it will postpone a strike it had planned for noon Friday to the end of the day March 9. Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1433 officials were at Phoenix City Hall on Thursday afternoon talking with city management to discuss what it would take to delay a strike. ATU and employer Veolia Transportation Services agreed to continue labor negotitions starting Wednesday when retired Arizona Supreme Court Justice Ruth McGregor could be involved as an observer to the talks.)

Frenchman sues over Google Views urination photo (Reuters)
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