Lawsuit of the Day: McDonald’s Turned Me Into a Hooker (Above The Law)
(“Would you like fries with that? No? How about a blow job?” Don’t get too excited, guys. Oral sex hasn’t made it to the Dollar Menu just yet. Instead, we have news of a woman who’s filed a lawsuit against McDonald’s, alleging that the billion-dollar burger bordello played a part in turning her into a prostitute.)
Dine just like the passengers of the doomed Titanic for $12,000 (Yahoo)
(Want to get a taste of what it felt like being on the Titanic, sans the part where it sunk into the ocean? A restaurant in Houston is offering what it calls the Titanic Experience: a 10-course meal comprised of similar dishes served to the ill-fated ship's first class passengers the night they met their demise. Or at least that's what Cullen's, the restaurant, claims. Aside from the food itself, going for the Titanic Experience means you also get to dine at Macy's Table, the exclusive room suspended from the ceiling of the restaurant.)
Police In Bunny Suits Ask You To Wear a Seat Bealt (WPTV)
(A man and a bunny were walking down the center median of Okeechobee Boulevard Wednesday morning when the bunny began flashing a sign at passing motorists: "Have a safe, hoppy holiday. Buckle up!" Amused drivers smiled and waved at the duo. (One motorist even tried to give the man a $20, thinking he was homeless.)But this was no joke. Both were West Palm Beach police officers out to enforce the state-sponsored "Click it or Ticket" campaign; signalling other officers stationed off Tamarind Avenue when motorists were not wearing their seat belts.)
Beak careful of the swan! (The Sun UK)
(A TWO-mile stretch of the UK's longest canal has been branded a no-go zone after a spate of attacks on boat users - by a thug SWAN nicknamed 'Tyson'. The 4ft tall bird – which has a whopping 8ft wingspan - viciously attacks rowers, canoeists and even walkers strolling on the riverbank.)
87-year-old woman discovers she is 'dead' (The Local)
(An "active" 87-year-old woman was gobsmacked to read a letter from the Swedish tax agency informing her of her own death, forcing her to call the authorities and explain that she was, in fact, alive. "I'm not taking it as seriously as others are, but there's certainly been a mix-up," the unnamed woman told the local Bohusläningen newpaper.)
Canada destination of choice for American sex-buyers, study finds (Vancouver Sun)
(Just as the majority of Canadian sex tourists who are arrested or detained were in the United States over the past three years, Canada is the preferred destination for Americans looking to buy sex. A study based on interviews with 101 Boston men who buy sex found that 27 per cent of them had bought sex in other countries. Canada topped the list. Among the other preferred destinations were: Dominican Republic, German, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico. Other destinations included: England, France, Italy, Philippines, Barbados, Brazil, Korea, Switzerland, Netherlands.)

Kevin Smith Eyes Bringing Clerks to Broadway (Broadway.com)
(It’s been 18 years since Kevin Smith’s first film, the ultra low-budget slacker comedy Clerks, became a sleeper hit on the Film Festival circuit and a fan favorite. A sequel, Clerks II followed in 2006, and at a recent Los Angeles Barnes & Noble Q&A session, Smith revealed the only way he’d do a third installment: as a play.)
Kevin Smith Wants To Make ‘Clerks 3′…As A Play (Slash Film)
(Kevin Smith has one more movie in him and then he’s done with filmmaking. But that doesn’t mean his stories are going to end. At a recent Q&A in Los Angeles, Smith revealed there is one way he’d make a third Clerks: if he could do it on Broadway. Watch the video of Smith’s reveal and more after the break.)
Kevin Smith Reveals Plans For Clerks 3 – A Six Month Run As A Live Broadway Show? (Bleedingcool.com)
(Kevin Smith is sticking to his plan for retiring from cinema, but this apparently won’t be a kiss of death for the Clerks series. In this video you’ll see Smith talk about why he wants to do this, and who he has spoken with about the plans.)

No one injured in school bus, horse buggy crash near Seymour (Leader)
(Only the horse was injured in an early morning crash near Seymour in which a horse-drawn buggy rear ended a school bus. Missouri State Highway Patrol troopers say none of the 20 school children on the bus were injured in the accident that occurred about 7:50 a.m. Spokesman Sgt. Jason Pace said an initial investigation revealed the school bus passed the buggy on a straight stretch of Highway P.)
Instead of attack dogs, Wildrose party bus has ‘happy, friendly dogs’ (Globe and Mail)
(It’s official: the Wildrose Party has gone to the dogs. Or more specifically, two dogs, which have joined the party’s campaign bus as it crisscrosses the province. “A lot of campaigns have attack dogs,” said Wildrose campaign adviser Jim Armour, “We have happy, friendly dogs.”)

The 'Route 29 Batman' speaks (Washington Post)
(Batman went viral earlier this week when he was pulled over in Silver Spring for a problem with his license plates. Since then, he has been unmasked -- sort of -- as Lenny B. Robinson of Baltimore County, Md., a 48-year-old do-gooder who visits children in the hospital.)
‘Beware The Batman’ Officially Announced By Cartoon Network (Geeks Of Doom)
(On Wednesday, Cartoon Network officially announced the arrival of Beware The Batman, a CG-animated show to air later this year. Alongside the sad passing away of Batman: The Brave and The Bold, rumblings began to arise of a CG-animated Batman show coming to fill the animated Batman void that was left as a result of Brave and The Bold‘s cancellation. Rumors arose during the Brave and The Bold panel from San Diego Comic Con a couple of years ago; the news was out that the all ages Batman cartoon would be coming to an end and while some of the crew would be moving on to other projects, it was subtly announced that others would be working on a brand new, darker Batman series. In fact, in Brave and The Bold‘s finale episode, this talk was teased and mocked during Bat-Mite’s desire to see a darker take on the character.)

U.S. kids with autism up 78% in past decade (CNN)
(The number of children with autism in the United States continues to rise, according to a new report released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The latest data estimate that 1 in 88 American children has some form of autism spectrum disorder. That's a 78% increase compared to a decade ago, according to the report.It’s official: the Wildrose Party has gone to the dogs. Or more specifically, two dogs, which have joined the party’s campaign bus as it crisscrosses the province. “A lot of campaigns have attack dogs,” said Wildrose campaign adviser Jim Armour, “We have happy, friendly dogs.”)
Boozing after a heart attack could help you live longer, research reveals (Metro UK)
(A study carried out by US scientists has shown that men who drink alcohol after having a heart attack could in fact reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by 42 per cent. The study warns, however, that the benefits are seen only with ‘moderate’ drinking - any more than two small glasses of wine, two cans of beer or a shot of spirits wipes out all the health benefits.)

Turn your tweets into toilet paper with the new startup, Shitter (Venture Beat)
(What if you could take all those tweets you blast out during the day and ruminate on them in a place where your mind is free to wander and relax. Introducing Shitter, a new startup that, for just $35, will turn your tweet stream into four rolls of toilet paper. The homepage tagline reads, “Social media has never been so disposable.”)
Jewish High School for girls 'tells pupils to delete Facebook accounts or be expelled' as site is 'against moral code' (Daily Mail)
(A Jewish High School for girls has been accused of ordering pupils to delete their Facebook profiles or risk expulsion. Female pupils at Beis Rivkah High School in Brooklyn, New York, have reportedly been told to remove their accounts from the social networking site as bosses tried to address a supposed decline in pupils' 'code of modesty'.)
High school girl banned from graduation over Facebook ‘bikini photo’ (News Info)
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