Man falls asleep on bus after attempt to rob passenger, police say (Wisconsin State Journal)
(FA Madison man who tried to rob a Metro Transit passenger at gunpoint Wednesday morning was arrested after he fell asleep against the victim, police said.
Gerald R. Hopewell, 36, was being held in the Dane County Jail on tentative charges including armed robbery, carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a firearm by a felon after officers found him fast asleep on a bus at the East Transfer Point with a .357 magnum handgun in his backpack at about 8:30 a.m.)
Suspects involved in chase crash into FUSD school bus (ABC)
(The CHP told Action News the driver of a Honda Accord sped away from an officer sometime after 2:00pm. The officer, CHP said, tried to pull the driver over a few blocks from the crash, because the car already had front-end damage. Minutes later, the officer lost sight of the suspect car. But when the officer caught up to the suspect on Pullman the Honda and bus had already crashed.)
Manslaughter Charges for Bus Driver in Fatal Bronx Crash (New York Times)
(The driver of a bus that crashed and killed 15 people on a return trip to New York from a Connecticut casino in March has been indicted on multiple counts of manslaughter, a law enforcement official said Wednesday.)
11yo boy faces UK court for looting (SMH)
(An 11-year-old boy stole from a department store during London's riots just days after he had been sentenced for arson and criminal damage, a court has heard. The boy, the youngest prosecuted so far over the riots, admitted taking a bin less than a week after being punished for trying to start a fire on a bus.)
Bus passenger attacked woman in 'baby buggy rage' (Telegraph)
(A disabled bus passenger was knocked unconscious to the floor in a 'baby buggy rage' attack because she wouldn't move her three year-old daughter's pushchair, a court heard.)
Bus driver hurt in attempt to save erring biker (Times of India)
(A Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited bus was involved in an accident on Karve road near the Garware college on Wednesday when the driver swerved to save a two-wheeler rider coming from the wrong direction. The traffic violator fled from the spot soon after the incident. Though the driver's leg was fractured in the process, the 20 passengers in the bus remained safe and there were no casualties on the road.)
Kindergarten student left at wrong bus stop (Herald News)
(Five-year-old Kadir Randle’s first day of kindergarten was a traumatic one. Randle was let off his school bus at the wrong stop in the Lioncrest subdivision in Richton Park on Tuesday afternoon. He later was found wandering the subdivision by the mother of another student at Illinois School.)
Man Accused Of Slaying Man On GET Bus Found Hanging In Cell (Turn To 23)
(The man accused of fatally stabbing another man on a GET bus was found hanging in his cell in an attempt to end his life, Steven Hansen of the Kern County Sheriff's Department said. Hansen said that about 10 a.m. Tuesday, inmate Richard Gomez was found hanging in his cell by sheriff’s detentions staff, at the Lerdo Max/Med facility.)

Todd and the Book of Pure Evil Cast (including Jason Mewes!!!) wins Gemini Award (Brandon Sun)
(Space's "Todd and the Book of Pure Evil" for best ensemble performance. Congrats Mewes!)
Actor Steven Seagal Sued for Driving Tank into Arizona Home, Killing Puppy (Forbes)
(The story of Steven Seagal accompanying Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s raid on an Arizona man suspected of cock-fighting seems almost humorous. Almost, that is, until you think about police driving into your own home with a tank and killing your dog, which is what happened when Seagal drove a tank into Jesus Llovera’s house.)
Grandmother Porn Lawsuit Dropped (Huffington Post)
(The Chicago law firm Steele Hansmeier PLLC has dropped its case against the San Francisco Bay Area-based grandmother who was sued for allegedly downloading pornography from a BitTorrent site, according to SFGate. The Huffington Post reported about the case in July, when the 70-year-old woman, who asked to remain anonymous, received a threatening letter from the law firm, suing her for illegally downloading pornography — a crime she claims she didn't commit. According to TorrentFreak, the firm offered to settle for $3,400 from the woman. Now, she no longer needs to worry about the fees or the case.)
Alaska woman punches bear in face to save her tiny dog (MSNBC)
(A 22-year-old Alaska woman said on Wednesday she punched a black bear in the face to save her small dog from being carried off and possibly eaten. Juneau resident Brooke Collins said she hit the bear Sunday night to save the life of her dachshund, Fudge. She said she discovered the bear crouched down, clutching Fudge in its paws and biting the back of the dog's neck.)
No $50K prize for 11-year-old who made 89-foot hockey shot (Yahoo Sports)
(Earlier this month at a charity hockey event in Faribault, Minn., 11-year-old Nate Smith made an 89-foot shot from center ice to win $50,000. The problem was that Nate's twin brother, Nick, was the one who purchased the winning raffle ticket. When the time came to attempt the shot, Nick was outside of the arena unaware he had won, so in stepped Nate to score the miraculous goal.)
Valley woman accused of blowing marijuana smoke into baby's mouth (ABC 15)
(After her baby would not stop crying, police say a Valley woman blew marijuana smoke into the baby’s mouth. Video captured by the mother's friend shows her smacking the 10-month-old girl in the leg and the face.)
Florida Law Banning Saggy Pants in School Should Become National (Cafe Mom)
(They say there's no such thing as a free lunch, and it turns out there's no such thing as a free belt, either. A Florida lawmaker is welcoming students back for the fall semester by handing out free belts -- but it's not without cause or creed. Gary Siplin, Orlando's Democratic State Senator, is using the free belts to remind students of the Pull Up Your Pants law he finally passed last spring after six years of pushing for it. As of now, only Florida and Arkansas have enacted comprehensive banishment of saggy pants in statewide dress codes.)
Unemployed Illinois Man Finds $150,000 In His Backyard (Huffington Post)
(A man in northern Illinois found a valuable surprise in his backyard Tuesday afternoon: A duffle bag filled with stacks of $20 bills. As Wayne Sabaj, a 49-year-old unemployed carpenter living in Johnsburg, explained to WGN, he had been looking for broccoli in his garden when he saw the duffle bag. After Sabaj showed the bag to his father, with whom he lives, they decided to alert police.)
Man in dark coat and hat steals 8-foot whale tooth from Norwegian museum (Washington Post)
(The tooth fairy in disguise? No, just a simple tooth thief. A man dressed in a black leather hat and a dark coat on Wednesday ran off with an eight-foot (2.5 meter) whale tooth from a museum in the Norwegian city Stavanger.)
Jack the Cat on the Lam at JFK Airport (Fox NY)
(Furry feline fugitive Jack The Cat, who bolted his kennel carrier for freedom last week at JFK airport, continued to thumb his paw at pursuers Wednesday, refusing to be tempted by tins of cat food and eluding animal traps set up to snare him. In keeping with recent zoo escapees in the New York area, Jack now even has his own Twitter account (@jackthelostcat), which begins, "I'm having the time of my nine lives!")
Man on plane ride spots crooks robbing his home (Kare 11)
(Two alleged burglars are behind bars, after being spotted from the air -- by the man whose house was being targeted. Steven Lynn had never been in a plane in his life, but Friday he hopped in his buddy's Cessna to check out fishing conditions on a nearby river. On the way back, they decided to swing over Lynn's home and what he saw, he'll never forget.)
Fair ride trap (The Sun UK)
(THIS was the shocking scene yesterday when a fairground ride collapsed, trapping 22 people and leaving a woman badly hurt. The carriage of the 360° Surf Rider — meant to stay horizontal as it goes round — was stuck upright on its side for more than an hour. A witness said: "People were screaming, 'Get me off'.")
Hospital 'sorry' after mistake left girl unable to walk again (The Sun UK)
(A HOSPITAL has finally apologised after a blunder left a pretty schoolgirl paralysed from the waist down. Bright and fun-loving Sophie Tyler was just 14 when medical staff made a mistake during a routine op which means she will never walk again.)
Teen molester caught peeping on boy in Toys ‘R’ Us bathroom (Seattle PI)
(A teen child molester accused of photographing a 6-year-old boy as he used the bathroom at a Seattle toy store has been charged with voyeurism. King County prosecutors contend Lucas D. Trethewey used a phone to photograph or film at least one child at the Northgate Toys ‘R’ Us store before he was arrested on Aug. 22.)
Pizza restaurant to open on Moon? (Orange News)
(A pizza chain has announced plans to conquer the final frontier by opening the first restaurant on the Moon. Domino's Japanese arm proposed a branch on Earth's satellite as the latest escalation in a pizza publicity war, reports the Daily Telegraph. Rival chain Pizza Hut set the bar high by delivering a pizza to astronauts orbiting the Earth in the International Space Station.)
Snapperfest – Yet Another Another Animal Cruelty Fest (Oddity Central)
(Snapperfest is an obscure Indiana festival where participants have to yank a snapping turtle’s head out of its shell until they can wrap their hands around its neck. It has been taking place in Ohio County, Indiana, for over a decade, despite PETA’s numerous attempts to shut it down, and sadly, it was organized this year as well, on August 20th. As always a big crowd gathered at Campshore Campgrounds to see the “brave” competitors tormenting a bunch of frightened snapping turtles. Now that right there sounds like a great way to spend your weekend.)
Funeral Cookies Coated With Cocaine Instead Of Sugar (FOX NY)
(A bakery worker was arrested in Athens after allegedly spiking cookies he was making for a funeral service with cocaine.
The Bulgarian man was asked to provide traditional Greek cookies for a funeral, according to several Greek media sources.)
Dog living on top of Mount Kilimanjaro (FOX NY)
(A dog has been spotted apparently alive and well at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain. The rust-coloured animal was seen by a tourist at Uhuru peak, the mountain's highest summit between 5,730 and 5,895 metres above sea level where temperatures range from minus four to 15 degrees centigrade.)

Kevin Smith Explains Why He Had To Waste $9,316 On Movie Ads That He Didn't Want Or Need (Tech Dirt)
(We've been covering for a while entertainer Kevin Smith's business model experiments, which rely heavily on his wonderful ability to connect with fans. We've also been fascinated with his more recent decisions to buck "the old way" of doing things and to focus on marketing his latest film, Red State, in a way that he thought made more sense. So far, that's meant a very cool (and quite profitable) plan for Smith to tour with Red State and to combine his usual (wonderful) Q&A sessions with showings of the film. Another part of the plan is getting the film out there in as convenient a way as possible, meaning a video on demand release before the wider theatrical release.)
Kevin Smith Names The Two Parts Of Hit Somebody And Finishes First Script (Hey U Guys)
(Kevin Smith, whose latest movie, Red State, is set to be unlike anything he’s ever done before, has announced that his next film will be released in two parts, and they will be titled Hit Somebody: Home and Hit Somebody: Away, The Playlist report. He also adds that the two-parter, which he’s said could be his final film, will be a PG-13 rating for Home and an R for Away, roughly the equivalent of our 12A and 18. Brilliant!)
Susan Boyle, Venus Williams, Kevin's Smith's Weed, Eric Cantor (SF Gate)
(While the news about Susan Boyle and Venus Williams was unfolding, I was asking Kevin Smith a question for CNN.com, and thinking about Hurricane Irene not being "too hyped." I'm sorry that I even introduced the idea at al, as it seemed to catch fire. I find that we're less sensitive to the suffering of others, and I think that's due to digital media. We see so much of this so often, we're hardened to it. Not good.)

"Gotham Police Vehicles Spotted in Los Angeles, Check It Out (Shockya)
(In preparation for an upcoming shoot, Gotham police department vehicles were spotted in Los Angeles.)
"Batman: Arkham City" Promises To Have Ultimate Replay Value (Complex)
(Here is some news that literally made us stop playing Batman: Arkham Asylum once it came across our news feed. Rocksteady's Dax Ginn, who is pretty outspoken already, dropped a bat-bomb at this weekend's PAX event in Seattle. In the video clip above, courtesy of GameTrailers, the Marketing Manager maniac laid out the goodies for what happens when you beat Batman: Arkham City.)
Arkham City concept art shows Harley Quinn's "kinky" evolutione (Neo Seeker)
(Rocksteady's Harley Quinn of Arkham Asylum and Arkham City fame isn't exactly the Quinn we remember from those '90s Paul Dini classics, but it's fair to say they've at least kept the spirit of Harley alive and kicking, even after her makeover. Sure, she no longer has that adorable cowl, but her pigtails wave around just as adorably. Harley wasn't always so cute or cute-sexy, however. Recently released Arkham City concept artwork shows the evolution of Harley, and it's not entirely pretty. At certain points during development, she was given a dominatrix outfit for a more hardcore look and "kinky" fluffy handcuffs to show her "playful" side.)
Tom Hardy Prepares For 'Dark Knight Rises' Judgment (MTV)
(Listen, we love Tom Hardy – the guy’s great in “Inception,” utterly menacing in “Bronson” and we’re really looking forward to “Warrior.” But being completely honest, we were somewhat taken aback when the average-sized British actor was cast as the hulking, monstrous Bat-villain Bane in “The Dark Knight Rises.” Now, Hardy has responded to some of those concerns.)

Doctors’ and nurses’ hospital uniforms contain dangerous bacteria majority of the time, study shows (Xenophilius)
(More than 60 percent of hospital nurses’ and doctors’ uniforms tested positive for potentially dangerous bacteria, according to a study published in the September issue of the American Journal of Infection Control, the official publication of APIC – the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology.)
Study finds gene "overdose" link to being skinny (Yahoo/Reuters)
(People with extra copies of certain genes are much more likely to be very skinny, scientists said Wednesday in the first finding of a genetic cause for extreme thinness. In a study in the journal Nature, researchers from Britain's Imperial College London and the University of Lausanne in Switzerland found that a duplication of a part of chromosome 16 is associated with being underweight.)
Sunscreen in a pill? Coral compounds may be key (The Body Odd)
(Sunscreen! You dutifully slather or spray it on before heading outside, but forget to reapply -- and you get burned. Or, you miss that spot on your back that's impossible to reach without asking for help -- and you get burned. Now, researchers from King's College in London believe they they could create a sunblock pill from coral, something that could be available within five years, The Telegraph's website reports.)
Mother-Son Ties Change Over Time, Influence Teen Boys' Behavior (Science Daily)
(Relationships between mothers and their sons change during childhood and adolescence. However, not all relationships change in the same way, and how the relationships change may affect boys' behavior when they become teens.)
Smoking after menopause could increase risk for breast cancer: Study (Toronto Sun)
(When compared to non-smokers, women who smoke cigarettes after going through menopause have higher androgen and estrogen levels, which are risk factors for breast and endometrial cancer as well as Type 2 diabetes, a new study has found. Researchers examined blood samples from 2,030 postmenopausal women between the ages of 55-81. Study participants were categorized as current, former or never smokers.)

USB memory stick doubles as a vibrator sex toy (News Lite)
(At first glance it looks like any other USB drive. But this memory stick - which can hold 16GB of data - also doubles as a sex toy. Really. The Duet is the creation of a team of designers from San Francisco who decided that what the world needed was to combine office supplies with bedroom toys.)
Facebook to launch music platform with Spotify, MOG and Rdio (CNN)
(Facebook intends to launch its long-rumored music service next month with Spotify, MOG and Rdio as three of the company's launch partners, Mashable has learned. The music and media platform will be announced at Facebook's f8 developer conference on September 22. It will allow users to listen to music from within Facebook.com. Evidence of Facebook's music platform first surfaced in the code of Facebook's video chat service.)
Skype now works with any home phone (CNET)
(Skype just got so easy your great-grandmother could use it without having to know anything about a sound card or any other input/output doohickeys that are more convoluted than President Harding and his confounding Teapot Dome scandal!)
Video Game Console Case Offers Gaming on the Go (ABC)
(Console gaming on the go just got easier thanks to a mobile gaming kit that comes with a built-in high-definition display screen to connect to your Xbox 360 or Sony PlayStation system.)

Brawl Breaks Out at N.Y. Amusement Park Over Religious Head Scarves (Time)
(After female members of a group organized by the Muslim American Society of New York were denied entry to certain rides at Playland in Rye, N.Y. because of head coverings, a fight erupted and 15 people were detained by police.)
BMW to Recall 2,120 SUVs (Time)
(BMW of North America is recalling up to 2,120 of its X5 xDrive 35d sport utility vehicles because its fuel-filter heater could overload and possibly cause a fire. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration says the model year 2009 vehicles were made between Oct. 1, 2008 and June 12, 2009 and are equipped with a diesel engine.)
Oh, Here We Go: Apple Loses New iPhone in a Bar Again? (Time)
(Apple, Apple, Apple... did we learn nothing from the lost iPhone 4 fiasco? Yet another Apple employee "appears to have lost an unreleased iPhone in a bar," according to CNET, who cites an unnamed source.)
All-TIME 100 Best Nonfiction Books (Time)
(Politics and war, science and sports, memoir and biography — there's a great big world of nonfiction books out there just waiting to be read. We picked the 100 best and most influential written in English since 1923, the beginning of TIME ... magazine.)

The Blu-Ray Menace; or, Who Really Owns Star Wars? (Time)
(You may recently have noticed a disturbance in the Force, as if billions of voices suddenly got royally pissed off and cried out in Internet discussion threads. The impetus: a report, later confirmed by the New York Times' Dave Itzkoff among others, that George Lucas is once again fiddling with the original Star Wars trilogy in a version soon coming out on DVD Blu-Ray.)
Inquiry into reporting at Murdoch's newspapers (Irish Times)
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