Stripper bus at Lions game flagged by cops (CBS)
(Police may put the brakes on a party bus that was apparently operating as a Sunday strip club for reveling Lions fans at a popular tailgating spot in Detroit. Investigators believe fans tailgating before a recent Lions home game were allowed onboard the "Booty Lounge," a large red and black bus replete with two stages, steel dancing poles, tinted windows and even a smoke machine, after forking over a $10 donation to its operators, Detroit Police spokeswoman Eren Stephens said Thursday.)
Violation of rules led to fatal bus crash (Dawn)
(The ill-fated bus which met with an accident near Kallar Kahar leaving at least 31 students and four adults dead, had no permit for the Islamabad route. And the Motorway Police, always praised for its efficiency, failed to check the heavily overloaded vehicle carrying students of the Millat Grammar School, Faisalabad, for a picnic in the Salt range.)
Tenn. mom charged after bus bullying of deaf son (CHRON)
(A mom who was arrested after confronting students on a school bus about bullying her deaf son said she was responding to his telephone call telling her that he had been punched in the face again. Christa Green was arraigned Wednesday in Marion County on 13 counts of assault and one count of burglary, even though she didn't touch anyone, according to WRCB-TV in Chattanooga.)

Man Rescues Injured Great White Shark Near Venice Pier (CBS)
(A man lifeguards call the “Animal Whisperer” rescued what is believed to be a young great white shark over the weekend. The baby shark washed ashore near the Venice Pier, a popular fishing spot, Sunday afternoon with a fish hook in its mouth. Elisa Van Es, a bystander, caught the rescue on tape.)
7-Eleven stores in Taiwan pull vampire Hitler stickers (CNN)
(In Taiwan, 7-Eleven stores have pulled products featuring a cartoon vampire that bears a striking resemblance to Adolf Hitler after receiving complaints from the Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei (ISECO) for selling the items, according to several media reports.)
Florida Teen Murder Suspect Says She's a Vampire (NBC)
(An 18-year-old Florida girl accused of helping lure a 16-year-old boy into a fatal trap says she's a vampire who has drunk the blood of her boyfriend. Stephanie Pistey confirmed assertions by police in Parker, Fla., that the people involved in the July murder of 16-year-old Jacob Hendershot were in a vampire cult. Pistey, who was arrested last Monday and charged with accessory to murder, said she sees herself as a modern day Dracula.)
Desperate cross-dressing dad nearly dies trying to chop off his own penis with a Stanley knife (Daily Record)
(A cross-dressing dad nearly died after trying to chop off his penis in a DIY sex change op. Kirsty Cass got drunk and took a Stanley knife to his manhood after life as a male became unbearable. Doctors managed to save his life by reattaching his penis and now he is living as a woman and preparing for gender reassignment surgery.)
Sex Bid Rebuffed, Woman Hits Man, Is Nailed By Cops (Smoking Gun)
(“All I want is a piece of ass, is that too much to ask for?” That’s what Melissa Minarsich said to police last night when they arrived at her Iowa City home in response to a call of a “female out of control.” As detailed by Minarsich, 28, she got into an altercation with her boyfriend “because he would not have sex with her.”)
(A donkey named Marko has entered the race for mayoral elections in Bulgaria. Marko is representing a marginal political party - the Society for New Bulgaria - for the vote in the Black Sea city of Varna (picture 2 above) on 23 October. The party believes Marko stands a better chance of representing the city than incumbent mayor Kiril Yordanov, who has reportedly refused to share a platform with the animal.)
Hubby claims wife raped by 'invisible man' (Asia One)
(A man has claimed that his wife was raped by an "invisible man", Sin Chew Daily reported. The youth, in his 20s, said his wife would remove her clothing, touch her own body and moan while sleeping at night, since a month ago.
He sought help from a medium, who then told him that someone had used black magic to take away the wife's "soul" and rape her.)
Kittery man allegedly drunk during court appearance for drunken driving (Bangor Daily News)
(Authorities say a man facing a drunken driving charge showed up for his court hearing intoxicated. Police say that Robert Will of Kittery, Maine, was given a portable breath test when he arrived at court in Portsmouth, N.H., on Tuesday to answer to charges including driving while intoxicated and driving with an open container of alcohol. Based on his blood alcohol concentration, the probable cause hearing was rescheduled.)
Sheboygan man charged after wielding spears during standoff (Sheboygan Press)
(A 22-year-old Sheboygan man was charged today after police ended a four-hour standoff by shooting him with a beanbag round as the man wielded a knife and bamboo spears, officials said. Patric J. Olson, who has a history of mental health issues, threatened to kill officers and shouted incoherently throughout his contact with police, court records show. The incident in downtown Sheboygan began Tuesday afternoon and culminated with the police takedown shortly after 2 a.m. Wednesday.)
Canada unveils larger, graphic anti-smoking labels (Reuters)
(Canada unveiled some of the world's largest and most graphic anti-smoking labels on Tuesday on the grounds that smokers were starting to ignore existing warnings on cigarette packs. The new labels have to cover 75 percent of the front and back of each pack of cigarettes and small cigars, and will be mandatory by the middle of next year. Existing anti-smoking labels cover 50 percent of a pack. The 16 labels include pictures of a woman dying of lung cancer in a hospital bed, a man with a hole in this throat after surgery for smoking-related larynx cancer, and a close-up shot of a diseased and cancerous tongue.)
Thieves try to dip from Wishing Well (Sanmarcos Record)
(Police say someone apparently intent on stealing coins broke into a San Marcos cave late Sunday or early Monday. The area of Wonder Cave is known as the “Wishing Well.”)
Why young Christians aren't waiting anymore (CNN)
(True love doesn’t wait after all. That’s the implication in the upcoming October issue of an evangelical magazine that claims that young, unmarried Christians are having premarital sex almost as much as their non-Christian peers. The article in Relevant magazine, entitled “(Almost) Everyone’s Doing It,” cited several studies examining the sexual activity of single Christians. One of the biggest surprises was a December 2009 study, conducted by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, which included information on sexual activity.)
Facing down my eighth-grade tormentor (Salon)
(Sean Lynden and I grew up together in the dumpy end of Palo Alto, a quiet college town that has since become the heart of Silicon Valley. We played soccer together as kids. We weren't friends, exactly, but we were friendly. And then one morning, in our eighth-grade metal shop, he simply stopped speaking to me. He began, instead, a concerted campaign to humiliate me. At first, this took the form of neglect. But pretty soon he was mocking me to his friends, and then they were mocking me, and before long one of them was threatening to kick my ass.)
Male porn star sues government for $100M (CNEWS)
(Tony Marcu claims he’s a porn loser. Marcu, who goes by the stage name of “Craig”, has just filed a $100 million lawsuit against the Canadian government alleging their negligence ruined his chances of becoming a millionaire adult film actor and producer in his native Romania.)
Man thinks his friend is a bear, shoots him (National Post)
(A 22-year-old man is recovering in Victoria General Hospital after his friend shot him in the face, mistaking him for a bear. The two were camping near Vancouver Island’s Nitinat River early Saturday when one of the men was woken up by what he thought was a black bear trying to get into their tent, Const. Grant Desmet of Lake Cowichan RCMP said.)
Georgia Tech seeks to stop 'T' thefts (UPI)
(The Georgia Institute of Technology said it has spent more than $100,000 replacing the letter "T" on various signs after repeated thefts. Undergraduate President Elle Creel said stealing the "T" from Tech Tower is a tradition stretching back to the 1960s, but it has recently spread to taking the "T" from signs all over campus, including stadium signs and library book return boxes, WAGA-TV, Atlanta, reported Wednesday.)

Red State takes Kevin Smith outside comfort zone (BBC)
(Kevin Smith steps outside his comfort zone with his new film about religious extremism - Red State. Having taken the movie on a road show tour across N America, is the 41-year-old film-maker really planning to retire? No-one does film publicity quite like Kevin Smith.)
Kevin Smith: my new film's debt to Tarantino and the Coen Brothers (Herald Scotland)
(Director Kevin Smith burst on to the indie film-making scene in 1994 with his micro-budget slacker comedy, Clerks, and spent the next decade dabbling in that world with moderate success. His biggest budgeted film to date, the Bruce Willis action comedy Cop Out, was released last year to mediocre box office and a critical panning, leading him to make a return to his modest cinematic roots with his latest film, the action thriller Red State.)
Red State Review (The Art Desk)
(It takes an ultra-liberal Catholic like Kevin Smith to tear into Christian fundamentalism with Red State’s ferocious accuracy. The writer-director’s tenth is being sold as a horror film, but the only demons to be seen are those of church and state.)
Best Seat in the House: Different scripts for finding top spot at theatres (Calgary Herald)
(A few weeks ago at the Uptown Stage and Screen, maverick filmmaker Kevin Smith chose to sit in the very back row as Calgary audiences caught the first glimpse of his horror film Red State. This, apparently, was not the seat that had been carefully chosen for him.)
Red State Review (What Culture)
(Two months ago I was primed to watch a screening of Red State only for it to be cancelled at the last minute with the director ‘That Kevin Smith’ (his twitter name) citing the reason for his cancelation as him not wanting people who weren’t true fans of his and those who wouldn’t appreciate his movie seeing it for free. This was a press screening.)
Kevin Smith Talks Red State (This Is Fake DIY)
(Kevin Smith has returned in a blaze of glory after last year's underwhelming "comedy" Cop Out. The cult director of the likes of Clerks, Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back makes his first foray into the horror genre with Red State. Starring Michael Angarano, John Goodman and the Oscar-winning Melissa Leo, his script sees three teenage boys answer an advert from a seductive older woman. They end up kidnapped by Michael Parks' twisted pastor, leader of an extreme Christian church, before the film turns into a shocking siege.)
Red State Review (The Film Pilgrim)
(By his own admission Kevin Smith is the Forrest Gump of American independent cinema. Smith was working in a convenience store when he saw Richard Linklater’s Slackers (1991) and decided “hey! I could become a filmmaker!” With a budget of $27,575 he turned his camera on his own place of work and created the seminal Clerks (1994) and took the Sundance Film Festival by storm. His career has had its ups and downs; the smart rom-com Chasing Amy (1997) and the controversial Dogma (1999) countered by the lacklustre Jersey Girl (2004) and the detritus of Cop Out (2010). Things really took a turn with Cop Out, his first effort as a director-for-hire funded by Warner Bros that saw Smith spar with lead Bruce Willis and launch an attack on the film critics who brutalised it. Yet, like a phoenix from the ashes, Smith has emerged from this career threatening pounding with Red State and, like he did in 1994, is revolutionising on a micro-budget.)

It costs women £500 after getting dumped (News Lite)
(The average woman splashes out £500 reinventing herself after being dumped, research has revealed. A recent study of 2,000 dumped women asked them what they'd done post-relationship to get their lives back on track. More than half of those polled said they'd responded by 'reinventing themselves' and completely revamped their appearance.)

Rat cyborg gets digital cerebellum (New Scientist)
(AN ARTIFICIAL cerebellum has restored lost brain function in rats, bringing the prospect of cyborg-style brain implants a step closer to reality. Such implants could eventually be used to replace areas of brain tissue damaged by stroke and other conditions, or even to enhance healthy brain function and restore learning processes that decline with age.)
Amazon's Kindle Fire just nuked the tablet market: Winners and losers (ZDNET)
(Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos took the stage Wednesday to unveil an arsenal of devices that are going to disrupt rivals like Barnes & Noble as well as Android tablet makers. By rolling out the Kindle Touch (starting at $99), a regular Kindle ($79) and a Kindle Fire tablet ($199), Amazon introduced a subsidized model that only Apple can really match (statement). In a nutshell, we’re entering a near disposable e-reader/tablet era that will split the market between Amazon (consumption based profits) and Apple (high end brand profits). Every technology company caught in the middle is going to have some serious problems.)

Surprising Siblings: Black and White Brothers Are Actually Twins (TIME)
(Two brothers, both alike in heritage, but as different as black and white. Ebony and ivory. Night and day. You get it. If one thing's clear about 18-year-old British twins James and Daniel Kelly, it's that they never get confused for one another.)
Mass. Man Arrested for Pentagon Terror Plot (TIME)
(A Massachusetts man was arrested Wednesday and accused of plotting an assault on the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol using remote-controlled aircraft armed with explosives — the latest of several terrorism cases to spring from federal sting operations. Rezwan Ferdaus was arrested in Framingham after undercover federal agents delivered materials he had allegedly requested, including grenades, six machine guns and what he believed was 24 pounds of C-4 explosive. Federal officials said the public was never in danger from the explosives, which it said were always under control and closely monitored.)

B.C. man was trying to protect friend, not push homeless woman under bus: lawyer (
(Christopher Groves is an innocent man who was just trying to keep his friend George Westwood safe, the defence argued Wednesday during closing submissions at Groves' manslaughter trial for the death of a homeless woman who fell under a bus. "Christopher Groves was in a position that any one of us, or our children, could be in when friends make bad choices," said defence lawyer Bob Claus. "Mr. Groves tried to keep his friend safe. If he'd abandoned the grossly intoxicated Mr. Wellwood, he would not be in court.")
Batman baby dies after PKK attack, civilian death toll rises to three (Todays Zaman)
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