Deputies Search For Suspicious Man Approaching Children at Bus Stop (WKRG)
(The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is attempting to identify a male, and a vehicle he is reported to be driving, that has approached children at bus stops on two occasions within the past two weeks. On both occasions, the male has stopped and asked directions. He then drives around the block, stops again, and attempts to lure the child into the vehicle. On one of the incidents the male claimed to have a gun but never displayed one.)
Bus stop ads draw ire (East Day)
(SHANGHAI bus riders are complaining that illegally placed adverts at downtown bus stops are making it difficult or impossible to read the routes and schedules. The problem is spreading to many bus stops including on busy Nanjing Road, Changshou Road and Jiangning Road, reporters found. "I could not see the bus schedule at all," said an angry man waiting for a bus at a stop near Changshou Road.)
School bus stops moved from flooded area of Martin Luther King Avenue in Morristown (Morris Town Green)
(Because of local flooding on Martin Luther King Avenue, school bus stops at MLK and Clyde Potts Drive and Flagler Street have been relocated to Speedwell Avenue and Flagler today, Sept. 7, report Morristown police.)

Man dressed as Gumby tries to rob California store (Reuters)
(In the world of animated TV, it's no stretch to say that good-natured Gumby is far down the list of characters that would commit armed robbery. But a man clad in a full-figured Gumby costume has made a botched attempt to rob a 7-Eleven store in California, and authorities are looking for the suspect, police said on Wednesday.)
Shopper arrested with live lobsters in shorts (Odd News)
(A man in southern Mississippi is accused of trying to walk out of a D'Iberville grocery store without paying for food items he'd stuffed into his cargo shorts including live lobsters. Police Chief Wayne Payne says 35-year-old Nathan Mark Hardy was arrested Saturday after allegedly being caught stuffing food into his cargo shorts — two bags of jumbo shrimp, a pork loin and two live lobsters.)
Feds deport man accused of killing woman who wouldn't dance with him (Chicago Tribune)
(A man wanted in Mexico for killing a woman who refused to dance with him has been deported after being stopped for drunk driving in Indiana, authorities said today. Ivan Hernandez-Barroso, 28, was flown out of Chicago on Monday in the custody of agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement. He was turned over to Mexican authorities in the town of Matamoros.)
Today's forecast: Partly Gay with a 60% chance of manslaughter: Arkansas meteorologist found asleep in tub next to dead man (CNN)
(Police are investigating the death of an Arkansas man whose naked body was allegedly found next to a sleeping TV weatherman in a hot tub after a night of drinking and drugs. The owner of the home awoke Monday morning to find the body of 24-year-old Dexter Williams at the bottom of an empty tub, his face blue and purple and a chain resembling a dog collar around his neck, according to a Maumelle Police report.)
(SUBMITTED BY: @fitzman73)Red lingerie to lure Hungarians online for census (Canoe)
(Hungary has produced a provocative video advertisement to encourage more people to fill out its national census online next month. In a video posted on social networking sites on Wednesday, a topless young woman in red underwear, lacy black stockings and holding a whip opens the door to a census taker, who, realizing he has arrived at an inopportune moment — offers her the option of completing the census online.)
Moon to have no-fly zones by month end (The Hindu)
(No-fly zones will come into effect on the moon for the very first time by the end of this month! Why, even buffer zones that spacecraft may have to avoid will come into existence. The reason: avoiding any spraying of rocket exhaust or dust onto certain historical sites and artefacts on the moon. The historical sites are of course the Apollo landing sites and artefacts present on the moon. And the “recommendations” are for preserving and protecting these historical sites. There are currently more than three dozen historical sites that preserve the more than four-decade-old remains.)
Authorities: Woman who stripped down at gentlemen's club wasn't dancer (TampaBay.com)
(Natalie M. Behnke disrobed at a gentlemen's club, began dancing and asked customers to give her money, authorities said. Which would have been fine — except Behnke didn't work there and she was no exotic dancer.)
Public nudity pushes boundaries in San Francisco (LA Times)
(Yes, there are limits to acceptable behavior, even here in the open-armed home of naked jogging, public floggings and all things boundary pushing. Retired math teacher David Goldman and his husband, Michael Koehn, were sharing a pleasant alfresco moment at a public plaza in the heart of the Castro district this week, passing a slender joint between them (medicinal, of course), as Eric Anderson sunbathed one table over. Naked.)
Customer jailed and banned from every McDonald’s after driving car into restaurant (Wales Online)
(A McDONALD’S customer has been jailed and banned from every branch in the UK after deliberately smashing his car through a burger bar’s glass doors. Peter Andrews, 41, flew into a rage when he was refused service at the burger takeaway late at night. A court heard drunken Andrews told McDonald’s staff: “You’d better move yourself, I am coming in.)
Win a baby, for real, on the radio (Metro)
(A new contest at radio Hot 89.9 called “Win a Baby” is drawing both applause and condemnation. The radio contest, announced yesterday, offers people a chance to win up to three fertility treatments at a local clinic, valued at $35,000. Entrants are required to write a letter to the station explaining why they need the treatment.)
Mother dresses girl aged THREE as prostitute in Toddlers and Tiaras pageant (Daily Mail)
(The Parents Television Council has reacted with outrage over a preview of the latest episode of Toddlers and Tiaras that sees a three-year-old dressed as a prostitute. The TLC programme shows the child's mother dressing young Paisley up in a costume to mimic Julia Roberts' character from the 1990 hit movie, Pretty Woman. According to RadarOnline.com, the PTC said: 'We have a serious problem when a network formerly known as The Learning Channel features a toddler, who probably hasn't even learned to read, dressed as a prostitute showing off her sexy strut.')
Hiring Regulations Proposed…for Babysitters? (Wall Street Journal)
(The proposed bill would require parents to pay caregivers over the age of 18 minimum wage plus overtime, allow a 10-minute rest every four hours and a half-hour meal break after five hours, reports ABC News.)
'A social pariah': How lonely Monica Lewinsky has failed to find happiness... and is STILL the butt of lewd Clinton jokes (Daily Mail)
(She was the White House intern who found fame for all the wrong reasons. Now, 17 years later, Monica Lewinsky is still trying to play down her scandalous affair with then-President Bill Clinton. She is single, her line of handbags failed to catch on and, according to the National Enquirer, is living the life of a near recluse.)
Great-grandmother gets a boob job at 65... and is now dating men as young as 24 (Daily Mail)
(Great-grandmother Joan Lloyd says she has a new lease of life after finally having the breast enlargement she wanted - at the age of 65. The widower lost her husband David last year and decided it was time to invest in herself - by paying for cosmetic surgery to transform her breasts from an A cup to an F. Now the great-grandmother, from Abergele, North Wales, who spent 15 years caring for her husband while he was ill, said the £4,000 operation is helping her to enjoy life.)
Starving dogs eat owner in Indonesia (Times Live)
(Police in Indonesia shot dead three of seven dogs suspected to have eaten their owner who had left the animals for two weeks without food, local media reported Wednesday. A relative found dismembered parts of Andre Lumboga's body in the kitchen of his house on Batam island on Tuesday when she visited after calls went unanswered, the Riau Pos daily reported.)
Drunk moose gets stuck in tree (Short List)
(You know the feeling. You've had a few too many and ended up stuck somewhere without pillows for longer than you'd like. So, we can all spare some sympathy for this poor moose. That's right, we said moose.
After gorging on some fermented apples in Gothenburg, Sweden, the consumed beast found himself stranded in a tree. Police assume that he must have tried to greedily reach for more apples but ended up getting wedged instead.)
Man Kills Hunting Partner For Eating Dog Killed By Monkey (Anorak)
(A 25-YEAR-OLD man who ate his hunting partner’s dog after it was killed in a monkey attack was shot dead by the canine’s owner with a crossbow last Tuesday. Police said the suspect and the victim were friends who were hunting together in Kratie’s Snuol district. It is understood the suspect shot his friend because he would not help save his dog from being killed in a monkey attack. The victim then took the dead dog home to eat. When the suspect saw this, he fired his crossbow at his friend killing him instantly. Police say the suspect confessed to the crime following his arrest.)
Miss Colombia Reprimanded For Going Commando During Miss Universe Appearances (My Fox DC)
(The world's most beautiful women are preparing to compete in the Miss Universe pageant but all eyes are on Miss Colombia for allegedly donning short frocks without undergarments at official appearances, FOXNews.com reported Tuesday. "Colombia had to be spoken to and told she needed to wear underpants as what she was doing was totally inappropriate," a source said about the 22-year-old, Catalina Robayo, and her wardrobe choices at events last week to promote the Donald Trump-owned competition.)

Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes for 'Jay and Silent Bob' UK tour (Philadelphia Inquirer)
(Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes are bringing the characters of Jay and Silent Bob to the UK. The Clerks stars have announced that the cult characters will come to Britain for a three-date tour. Smith and Mewes will perform in London, Manchester and Edinburgh in February 2012 for a live version of their podcast Jay and Silent Bob Get Old.)
Kevin Smith vs Kevin Smith (Houston Press)
(Kevin Smith has put out some truly wonderful films over the years (hint: all the ones featuring Jay and Silent Bob). He has also put out...other films. Films that, frankly, we have no idea what their merits may be because none of them seemed like they were worth the price of a movie ticket. Still, what he seems to have lost in momentum as a director he has gained as a spoken-word artist. His one-man shows may be some of the best work he's ever done, and if you forced that part of his career up against the View Askewniverse in some sort of mammoth nerd battle to the death, we are honestly not sure who would win.)
Red State Review (Cinema Blend)
(Like its main character, Red State is both flawed and intensely watchable. Much has been made about Kevin Smith's change in genre for this film, but in Michael Parks’ Abin Cooper, he finds the ultimate blowhard; like Randal Graves and Brodie Bruce before him, the preacher speaks with a fiery and confident determination, using volume and tone of voice to pave over gaps in logic. His bigotry and real power may set him apart from Smith’s normal hapless cocksuckers, but he’s still just as well-written and mesmerizing. And despite all its problems, Red State is captivating and wonderful, a hybrid of well-spun bullshit and down home creepiness.)
Will BEETLEJUICE Finally Make It To Hawaii? (What Culture)
(Beetlejuice is coming back from the dead some twenty years after one of the most infamous sequel attempts in Hollywood history when, and this is no word of a lie, Warner Bros paid a screenwriter to scribe a follow-up to the 1988 classic that would send the pale faced ghoul for hire to Hawaii. The movie was even to be called ‘Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian‘ and was director Tim Burton’s mischievous idea for a sequel he never really wanted to make...)

'Batman Baddie Tom Hardy Reveals Secrets of His Dark Knight Rises Costume (E Online)
(Getting to play a badass villain in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Rises undoubtedly sounds like one of the best ways ever to spend some time. But is it always a comfortable way to spend time. Definitely not. Tom Hardy, who plays Bane in the third installment, chatted with E! News at the premiere of his flick Warrior and clued us in on what it's like to suit up every day against the Caped Crusader.)
The Next Bond and Batman Films Go to India! (Desi Hits)
(ndia is the place to be! For Hollywood films that is, Batman and James Bond are both set to come to India to shoot the next part in their film series. We told you earlier this summer rumors were swirling about James Bond being filmed in India and now we can say for sure the directors are just trying to find the correct licenses to do so)
'Batman' sequel to add New Game Plus feature (USA Today)
(Hoping to encourage players to continue their adventures as the Dark Knight, Rocksteady Games is adding a New Game Plus feature to action title Batman: Arkham City. Details on the option were revealed in a post on the game's forums. New Game Plus is available to players after they complete the single-player campaign on either the normal or hard level of difficulty.)

New Shark Species Found in Food Market (National Geographic)
(It's unlikely anyone's ever complained, "Waiter, there's a new species in my soup." But the situation isn't as rare as you might think. A monkey, a lizard, and an "extinct" bird have all been discovered en route to the dinner plate, and now a new shark species joins their ranks, scientists report.)
Control of Fear in the Brain Decoded: Emotional Balance Is Regulated by Molecular Factors Behind Stress Response, Study Finds (Science Daily)
(When healthy people are faced with threatening situations, they react with a suitable behavioural response and do not descend into a state of either panic or indifference, as is the case, for example, with patients who suffer from anxiety.)
The Beginning of the End for Bananas?(The Scientist)
(Already reeling from a 20-year losing battle with a devastating disease, the banana variety eaten in the United States is now threatened by a new—but old—enemy. Our standard supermarket banana, a variety called Cavendish, may be at the brink of disaster. Chosen for its resistance to a fungal pathogen that wiped out its predecessor, the Gros Michel banana, the popular fruit has long battled a related fungus, which has all but devastated the banana industry in certain parts of the world. Now, it appears the Cavendish variety is facing a new threat—the very same fungal disease that drove Gros Michels off the market.)
Shmeat: It's What's for Dinner (Mother Jones)
(Would you eat a hamburger that was grown in a test tube? How about a chicken nugget from a petri dish? Sometimes called "shmeat" (as in, a sheet of lab-grown meat), in vitro meat might someday be an option for people with carnivorous inclinations who aren't wild about the idea of killing and eating real animals. Although scientists have been kicking around the idea of synthetic meat for about a decade, they haven't yet been able to bring it to market, much less mass-produce it.)
Global warming brings crab threat to Antarctica (Physorg)
(The worrisome intruder is a bright-red deep-sea predator that previously had been spotted only in the Ross Sea, on the other side of West Antarctica. Taxonomists identified the crustacean just five years ago, bestowing it with the lengthy monicker of Neolithodes yaldwyni Ahyong and Dawson and placing it among the 121 species of king crab. It is known as an "ecosystem engineer" because it digs into the sea floor to feast on worms and other tiny animals, an activity that in large numbers can have repercussions across the marine food web.)

It's about time: Nike sneakers go Back to the Future (CNET)
(The days of waiting for smartphones to upload video may be numbered. Rice University engineering researchers have made a breakthrough that could allow wireless phone companies to double throughput on their networks without adding a single cell tower.)
Breakthrough Could Double Wireless Capacity With No New Towers (Science Daily)
(The days of waiting for smartphones to upload video may be numbered. Rice University engineering researchers have made a breakthrough that could allow wireless phone companies to double throughput on their networks without adding a single cell tower.)
5 Reasons to Get Excited About Windows Phone 7 Mango (PC World)
(Ever since Microsoft previewed the Windows Phone 7 Mango update back in May, we’ve been eager to get our hands on the next generation of smartphones running Microsoft’s OS. The new phones are slated to arrive this fall, and September has brought some leaks, rumors, and actual confirmed phones. In fact, last week at the IFA tradeshow in Berlin, HTC unveiled the Titan and the Radar, the first of its Mango phones.)
Half of World's PCs Have Pirated Software (Tech World)
(According to a new survey conducted by the Business Software Alliance (BSA), 47% of the world's PC users get their software illegally. The survey called upon 15,000 users from 32 different countries and found that 13% always get their software in illegal ways, such as from peer-to-peer networks (like BitTorrent) or installing single license software on multiple machines. Another 34% get their software through illegal means most of the time.)

Schweddy Balls: Ben & Jerry's Newest Vermont Export (Time)
(Today Ben & Jerry's announced their newest ice cream flavor—which might not immediately sound appealing. Schweddy Balls, an homage to Saturday Night Live, is vanilla ice cream with a hint of rum and a huge scoop of cheekiness. The name comes from a skit featuring regular host Alec Baldwin, Molly Shannon and Ana Gasteyer.)
(SUBMITTED BY: @rissa0525)In France, Teaching Kids How to Write Using Twitter (Time)
(Seated in front of the family computer, with his mother watching him, Lucas, 7, let his 30 Twitter followers know that "my cousins Eva and Léa are coming to my house tonight." It's just like he does at school. In 2010, Lucas was a pupil in the first primary school class in France to use Twitter to learn how to read and write.)
No Soup For You! Shark-Fin Soup Ban Approved by California Legislature (Time)
(hark-fin soup just got one step closer to becoming illegal throughout California. The state senate has approved a bill, which now only requires a signature from the governor, that bans the sale, purchase or possession of shark fins.)
Should Mothers Be Sued for Bad Parenting? (Time)
(When my young daughters get mad and call me "Mean Mommy" for withholding gum or making them clean up their toys, it makes me laugh. But I can't imagine that Kimberly Garrity is seeing the humor in the lawsuit her adult children filed against her on the grounds that she was a bad mother. Garrity's children, Steven Miner II, 23, and Kathryn Miner, 20, originally filed their suit against her two years ago, asking for more than $50,000 for emotional distress suffered during childhood due to Garrity's alleged parental offenses, infractions such as sending her son a birthday card sans check, not dispatching care packages to him in college and insisting on a midnight curfew for her daughter during her high school's homecoming.)

Carlin's fans, family petition city to rename block in his honor (New York Post)
(George Carlin mocked people who looked for signs, but the late comedy legend may get one anyway. His fans and family are petitioning the city to rename the West 121st Street block he grew up on -- and often mused about -- in his honor.)
Netflix cracks down, now enforcing Instant limit? (ARS Technica)
(Netflix has begun enforcing limits on multiple video streams as of September 1, Stop the Cap reported today. As of this month, customers' video streams are restricted to the number of DVDs their plan lets them have out at once, though customers may be able to finagle an extra stream. "One stream at a time" has always been the official policy for Netflix users, but the company only recently began cracking down on those flouting the rule.)
Texas Drought Increases Snake Encounters (ACCU Weather)
(As the Texas drought continues, snakes will be on the move in search of food before hibernation. If the snakes can not get enough food to build their fat stores, it will be hard for them to remain in hibernation throughout the winter months. Not only will the snakes be in search of food, they will also be attracted to areas where they will find water.)
Reasons Unclear in Nevada IHOP Shooting (Time)
(The burst of bullets came suddenly in Nevada's capital. Just before 9 a.m., the gunman stepped onto an IHOP parking lot from his blue minivan with a yellow "Support Our Troops" sticker on it. He opened fire, then continued into the restaurant and marched resolutely toward a table of uniformed National Guard members before shooting each one of them, and fatally wounding three of them, authorities said.)
Diane Ruggiero, Christina Pazsitzky, Carol Banker, Joe Lo Truglio, Kristin Bauer, Anthony Leo, Matt Jones, Captain America, Scott Niedermayer, Kevin Pollak, Alan Wysocki, Noel Biderman, John August, Cassie Young, Adam Scott, Gary Shandling, Nikki Glaser, Kelly Carlin and a hummingbird
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