Police shoot raccoon hitching ride on school bus (WBTV)
(A school resource officer and a bus driver chased a raccoon off a school bus at a high school in Matthews Monday afternoon. The incident occurred at Butler High School located at 1810 Matthews-Mint Hill Road. A Charlotte-Mecklenburg School bus driver picked up the bus and drove all the way to the school before discovering a raccoon was hitching a ride inside the bus.)
5-year-old got on wrong bus three times (Wood TV)
(Kristi Solomon told 24 Hour News 8 she doesn't like to think about what could have happened last week when her 5-year-old son Brady was mistakenly dropped off at a bus stop outside of their townhome complex. That stop is less than 300 feet from the East Beltline. "[Brady] was upset. He sat on the porch crying, and said that he was upset, but he was, thank God, smart enough to go across the street and tell people he didn't have a key," said Solomon.)
Gunmen kill 22 bus passengers in west Iraq: police (APP)
(Gunmen killed 22 passengers on a bus coming from Syria late Monday in a desert region of Iraq's western province of Anbar, police general Haider Rzayj told AFP. "Some armed men stopped the bus coming from Syria Monday around 9:30 pm (1830 GMT), they made the 22 passengers get off the bus and killed them with automatic weapons," he said. "All the victims are men and their bloodied bodies were stretched out on the ground," he added.)
Child porn suspect was local school bus driver (Seacoast Online)
(Police are investigating the conduct of a former driver of a bus for special needs students who was arrested earlier this month on possession of child pornography charges. The Portsmouth-based New Hampshire Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force released information Monday that John Allen Wright, 45, had been a bus driver for Provider Enterprises Inc. since 2008. Provider contracts with school districts to transport special education students to and from school. Police said Wright drove a Provider bus in Rockingham and Strafford counties and in Kittery, Maine.)
1 dead, 3 wounded in shooting at S. Seattle bus stop (Komo)
(One person was killed and three others were wounded when a gunman opened fire at a South Seattle bus stop early Monday morning. Seattle police say it was 2:45 a.m. when a group of three men got out of a car and approached three men and a woman waiting at the bus stop at Rainier Avenue South and South McClellan Streets.)
What's Causing Bus Problems In Detroit? (Click On Detroit)
(Detroit bus riders aren't bashful when it comes to saying how they feel about the city's system. "They don't wait for you. I was at the bus beating on the bus and the bus pulled off like I wasn't even standing there," said rider Shawn Howard. Fellow rider Rommelll said he has to get up two hours early because the buses he takes are always late.)
Clown and former school bus driver from Aloha arrested on sex crime accusations (Oregon Live)
(A clown and former school bus driver from Aloha was arrested Friday on accusations that he sexually abused a girl more than a decade ago, Oregon State Police reported. Authorities are investigating if there are more victims. William Mayo Dunlop, 68, was taken into custody at his residence, in the 17000 block of Southwest Pike Street, on charges of first-degree sodomy and sex abuse, said Lt. Gregg Hastings, an OSP spokesman.)

Study: SpongeBob can cause learning problems for kids (WTVR)
(The cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants is in hot water from a study suggesting that watching just nine minutes of that program can cause short-term attention and learning problems in 4-year-olds. The problems were seen in a study of 60 children randomly assigned to either watch ``SpongeBob,'' or the slower-paced PBS cartoon ``Caillou'' or assigned to draw pictures.)
No more cigarettes for smoking Malaysian orangutan (AP)
(A captive orangutan often spotted smoking cigarettes given to her by zoo visitors is being forced to kick the habit, a Malaysian wildlife official said Monday. Government authorities seized the adult ape named Shirley from a state-run zoo in Malaysia's southern Johor state last week after she and several other animals there were deemed to be living in poor conditions.)
Boise man detains would-be thief, sitting on him (Oregon Live)
(A Boise man who caught someone trying to steal two guns from his unlocked pickup chased him down and sat on him until police arrived. Police say 46-year-old Allen L. Berry faces three felony counts of burglary along with charges of grand theft and being a felon in possession of a firearm. The victim called 911 at 3 a.m. Saturday to report he caught someone breaking into his pickup truck.)
Angelina Jolie Arrives Handcuffed With Brad Pitt At Toronto Film Festival (Entertainment Wise)
(Angelina Jolie showed support for Brad Pitt's new film Moneyball at Toronto's film festival last week wearing an interesting accessrory - a handcuff! But it wasn't Brad Pitt who she was chaining herself too but her gold Louis Vuitton Lockit PM Devotion clutch purse.)
Man in Keys accused of exposing himself through sunroof (Sun Sentinel)
(A Miami-Dade man was using a car's sunroof for much more exposure than is legal, authorities said. Julio Socarras Mompeller, 31, is accused of standing up through the sunroof of a silver Mercedes Benz with his pants down, exposing himself and making self-stimulating gestures with his hand, according to the Monroe County Sheriff's Office.)
A French kite-surfer survives a shark attack in Papua New Guinea (Daily Telegraph)
(A FRENCH diplomat working for the European Union has been rushed to Australia for medical treatment after being attacked by a shark in Papua New Guinea. Thomas Viot, 30, was bitten on the leg by what he believed was a tiger shark as he kite-surfed near a reef off the capital, Port Moresby, 1,800 kms from Darwin, The Daily Mail reported. Despite a wound that went down to the bone, causing a huge loss of blood, Mr Viot managed to kite-surf back to a beach where local people and friends rushed to his aid.)
Standoff Ends/Nude Man Arrested (Channel 961)
(The two men were in the back of a pickup with a camper near Sixth and Quince street about 10:40 p.m. Sunday when the incident began, according to San Diego police Officer David Stafford. The suspect demanded sex from a 28-year-old man, then stabbed the younger man in the chest with a knife when he refused, Stafford said. The victim ran from the pickup and was found by officers a couple blocks away. Stafford said he was taken to a local trauma center to be treated for the chest wound, which was not life-threatening.)
Accidental Bear Spray Discharge Forces Evacuation of Visitor Center at Grand Teton National Park (National Parks Traveler)
(A popular series of TV commercials asks "What's in your wallet?" but sometimes it's more important to remember what you're carrying next to your wallet. That was certainly the case recently at Grand Teton National Park when a park visitor accidentally set off a canister of bear spray inside a visitor center. Bear spray has a proven track record as a defensive measure against bear attacks, but the recent miscue provided a reminder about the importance of following the instructions for safely carrying such products.)
Man Uses Stun-Gun In Fight At Jets Game (Fox NY)
(A fight in the stands Sunday night at the Jets game at MetLife Stadium at the Meadowlands turned uglier than most when one of the combatants allegedly started zapping people with a stun gun.)
8 weird burial alternatives that are going mainstream (Mother Nature Network)
(The ancient world is full of examples of burial customs that seem strange now, from Egyptian mummification to bodies dumped in bogs to departed Vikings launched out on ships-turned-crematoriums. But space constraints and environmental concerns are pushing modern man to explore new options for dealing with the dead.)
House Painter Creates World’s Largest Ball of Paint (Oddity Central)
(Michael Carmichael, from Alexandria, Indiana has created the world’s largest ball of paint by covering a regulations baseball with tens of thousands of coats of colored paint, for more than 30 years. The story of Michael’s unusual hobby began one day in the mid 1960s, when he was playing baseball for the Knox County Children’s Home. A baseball accidentally landed in some paint, and Michael was so intrigued by it that he decided to hold on to it as a keepsake. During the two years after that, he kept on dipping it in paint and painting it by hand, until it reached the size of a football.)
Life After Prison for 'West Memphis Three' (People)
(For the past few weeks, Damien Echols, who has spent the past 18 years in a tiny cell on death row, has been walking the streets of his newfound home in a happy daze. "This thing has a map on it!," Echols laughs, stopping for a moment to fumble with his new iPhone. "Can you believe that? A map on a phone!")

Director Kevin Smith offers insight at Content Marketing World (Brafton)
(Known best for his work on films such as Mallrats and Clerks, director and actor Kevin Smith provided one of the keynote addresses at last week’s Content Marketing World(L). Among the topics Smith discussed were social media marketing and working with passionate content writers. Smith has become one of the best known celebrity tweeters in recent years, and his advocacy of the platform extends beyond keeping his fans entertained.)
Brutal, darkly comic ‘Red State’ a game-changer for Kevin Smith (Lodi News)
(It’s September, which means three things to a Halloween enthusiast like me: the super-stores are open, grocery stores are running candy discounts, and the time is ripe for scary movies. I was looking forward to kicking off the Halloween season with a look at “Apollo 18,” but critics and audiences alike have been vehement in their near-unanimous hatred of the film.)
Kevin Smith ditches comedy for bullets, Waco, and God in 'Red State' (Examiner)
(Kevin Smith's word has become gospel amongst stoners over the past decade and a half, and most of the films he's made during that time fall firmly into the comedy genre, but Smith's latest project drops all the laughs and weed-jokes for God, government, guns, and...Waco? Smith's long-gestating horror film, Red State, just arrived OnDemand, and after hearing others talk about the film for months (following a disastrous Sundance debut), we had to find out for ourselves what a "Kevin Smith horror movie" would be like. What'd we think? Find out below, my gentle Examiner readers...)
Movie is scary, but not for reasons you'd suspect (SJ-R)
(Don’t believe most of what you’ll hear about Kevin Smith’s new movie, “Red State.” It is not an angry tirade against religion, nor is it an attack on Christianity guised as a horror flick laden with gratuitous violence. Smith has described “Red State” as a horror film, and it is that, but not in the conventional “Nightmare on Elm Street” iteration. There is violence for sure, but nothing approaching the unrelenting bloodbath of, say, “The Passion of the Christ.”)
Red State Poster (Scott W. Kirkman blog)
(“Red State is a horror film in which a group of misfits encounter fundamentalism gone to the extreme in Middle America.” Over the past year I have become a big fan of the illustrated, limited edition movie posters that Mondo, The Alamo Drafthouse in Austin Texas and The Astor Theatre here in Melbourne have been releasing. Since I now own more of these posters than I have hanging space on the wall, I figured it might be time to stop buying and start designing.)
Kevin Smith, Aquaman, The Dark Knight Rises, Michael Shannon, Captain America (Slash Film)
(When does Kevin Smith‘s comic shop reality TV series premiere? What does Michael Shannon think of all the leaked set photos from Man of Steel? What is the Batwing from The Dark Knight Rises doing in the streets of Los Angeles? How should Captain America: The First Avenger really have ended? And how can Aquaman be the best comic book movie ever made? Did Stellen Skarsgard let a nugget of Avengers info slip in recent interview? Read about all of this and more in today’s Superhero Bits.)

No Talia in Batman 3 DARK KNIGHT RISES? (Boomtron)
(There have been plenty of rumors flying around about Christopher Nolan’s latest Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, but Marion Cotillard has put one of them to rest by saying her role of Miranda Tate is not Talia al Ghul in disguise. Actually, that’s the translation that’s going around at this time, but if you watch the clip below of Cotillard’s interview with MTV News, you’ll notice that Talia’s name never comes up.)
Nestor Carbonell Says Christopher Nolan's Last Batman Movie "Goes Out Big" (Comic Book Movie)
(Nestor Carbonell will reprise his role as Mayor Garcia in The Dark Knight Rises, and speaking to MTV the Lost actor talks about rejoining the cast, the scope of the movie and his admiration for Christopher Nolan. Nestor Carbonell has shot his last scenes for The Dark Knight Rises and while at the CW Premier party last night the actor chatted to MTV about reprising the role of Mayor Garcia in what is pretty much confirmed (nothing to say he can't change his mind) to be Christopher Nolan's last Batman flick.)

Sharks were once small, harmless fish (Deccan Chronicle)
(In popular imagination, sharks are fearsome predators looking for their next unfortunate victim. But researchers say many shark species were relatively small, harmless fishes living in lakes and rivers more than 200 million years ago. Scientists have suggested that these ancient sharks bred in the shallows of freshwater lakes, forming nurseries for their hatchlings, the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology reports.)
Larger women more apt to have sex on date (UPI)
(A survey of 10,000 members of a British Web site indicates larger women and tall (and skinny) women are more likely to have sex on the first date. FreeDating.co.uk's survey also indicates the larger a woman is, the more open she may be to having sex on the first date, although there was no similar effect in larger men, but athletic men are most likely to be open to sex on a first date.)
Night owls have more nightmares, study claims (MSNBC)
(The early bird might catch the worm because it sleeps better than the night owl, not just because it awakens earlier. At least that appears to be the case for humans, according to a new study. Researchers found that night owls -- “evening-type individuals”-- are significantly more likely to suffer from poor sleep quality, daytime sleepiness and disturbing nightmares than early birds -- “morning-type individuals”-- or folks whose bedtime falls somewhere between the two.)
'Trojan Horse' Particle Sneaks Chemotherapy in to Kill Ovarian Cancer Cells (Science Daily)
(A common chemotherapy drug has been successfully delivered to cancer cells inside tiny microparticles using a method inspired by our knowledge of how the human immune system works. The drug, delivered in this way, reduced ovarian cancer tumours in an animal model by 65 times more than using the standard method. This approach is now being developed for clinical use.)

Investigative Analysis: Fast Fraud at 4G (Prestorm)
(A large wireless retailer has come under investigation for fraud on multiple accounts, and ranging from corporations to individuals. Verizon Wireless has placed its own investigators on the case of a certain region of this company, one that spans from south Orange County to Northern Los Angeles. This retailer has approximately 120 stores in California and Nevada, one would imagine that a company of this size would not want to bring about a negative image if they are looking to go national. It may seem unfair to blame a company for the actions of select individuals, but when it involves many people on many levels, including upper-management, all working together to keep the secret dealings out of sight, it is inherently a company wide problem for allowing if not encouraging these actions.)
Americans spent 53.5 billion minutes on Facebook in May 2011 (ZD NET)
(We’ve heard time and again how time-consuming Facebook can be. Nevertheless, I always find the statistics mind-blowing: Americans spent a total of 53.5 billion minutes on Facebook in May 2011, according to the latest data from Nielsen. How does this compare to other websites? Well, Americans spent more time on Facebook than on any other website. The competition doesn’t even come close: Yahoo was second with 17.2 billion minutes and Google was third at 12.5 billion minutes.)
Authors Guild sues universities over online books (Yahoo)
(Authors and authors' groups in the United States, Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom sued the University of Michigan and four other universities Monday, seeking to stop the creation of online libraries made up of as many as 7 million copyright-protected books they say were scanned without authorization.)

Serena Williams Fined $2,000 by U.S. Open (Time)
(Serena Williams was fined $2,000 by the U.S. Open on Monday for berating the chair umpire during the final. Tournament referee Brian Earley issued his ruling a day after Williams was cited by chair umpire Eva Asderaki for a code violation for verbal abuse during a 6-2, 6-3 loss to Sam Stosur in the women's singles championship match at Flushing Meadows.)
100 Animals Die in Petco Store From Tropical Storm Lee Flooding (Time)
(At least 100 animals died in a New York Petco store after the building was flooded by Tropical Storm Lee. The animals, which included hamsters, rodents, reptiles, birds and aquatic life, were left in the Johnson City, N.Y., store during the storm. Whether they died from drowning or starvation has not been disclosed.)
Bathroom Breaks Cause Security Scares on Two Sept. 11 Flights (Time)
(Two incidents in airplane bathrooms put fighter jets, bomb squads and FBI centers to work on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. The two situations can be chalked up to flight crews being extra cautious, or perhaps passengers having too many in-flight beverages. A Frontier Airlines flight from Denver to Detroit had to be escorted by F-16 fighter jets on Sunday after crew members said they noticed and reported "suspicious behavior" by multiple passengers.)

Pirates kidnap British wife: Husband shot dead in raid on luxury Kenyan holiday resort (Daily Mail)
(Pirates have murdered a British tourist and kidnapped his wife from an exclusive Kenyan resort.
David and Judith Tebbutt were attacked at night by a gang carrying guns within hours of arriving in a beach cottage close to the border with lawless Somalia. Armed bandits arrived at the private resort by speedboat at midnight on Saturday, stormed into the couple’s secluded hut, which had just a piece of cloth as the door, and demanded all their money.)

Mitch Winehouse: Amy hadn't done drugs in three years (CNN)
(Anderson Cooper snagged an interview with the parents of the late Amy Winehouse, Mitch and Janis, for today's premiere of his new daytime TV show, "Anderson." In the interview, Mitch informs the silver-haired host that he thinks it wasn't drugs that took the life of his 27-year-old daughter in late July.)
'Angry Birds' adapted for political satire (CNN)
(When Indian activist Anna Hazare last month succeeded in pushing his government to take tougher steps against political dishonesty, victory came only after he endured days on hunger strike. But the 74-year-old ascetic may also partly have another unlikely source to thank for his victory -- a computer game that carried his anti-corruption message to hundreds of thousands of people.)
Casey Anthony's Parents Defend Themselves in First Interview (People)
(Two months after their daughter was acquitted of murdering their granddaughter, Casey Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony, have broken their silence and granted an interview to Dr. Phil McGraw, who confronts them about certain aspects of the case.)
SEPTEMBER 16: Jen takes the Stage with Kev
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